www.maledatimes.com Meles Zenawi is neither died nor recovering. He is alive but lost his mind. He is seriously ill. - MALEDA TIMES
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Meles Zenawi is neither died nor recovering. He is alive but lost his mind. He is seriously ill.

By   /   August 2, 2012  /   Comments Off on Meles Zenawi is neither died nor recovering. He is alive but lost his mind. He is seriously ill.

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Abraha Desta

There have been many rumor based debates on the health condition of Meles Zenawi: The opposition are almost in a position that Meles is already died, while the supporters claim that he is recovering. All in all, the debate revolves around his death and/or recovery.

Yet according to my sources, Meles Zenawi is neither died nor recovering. He is alive but lost his mind. He is seriously ill. His illness is STRESS. He is not in a position to hold his office even after his recovery (This info is subject to further verification).

For me, the death or life of the prime minister is not as such important to Ethiopian politics. (It is true that his life is significant to his family and supporters). The most important thing is … the scenario of Ethiopian politics after Meles.

It is well known that Meles Zenawi is a cunning politician who ‘successfully’ destroyed his potential successors (from within EPRDF) and contenders (from the opposition). Who is going to succeed him then??? The EPRDF party has no capable leaders, while the opposition are not well organized with predictable structure.

Therefore, there is high possibility for the gunmen to seize control of state power by force. Dictatorial rule seems to continue in another form.

My whole point is, our overall discussion should focus on the implications of his health condition on the future of Ethiopian politics. What is the point with debating on whether Meles is died or alive????

The burning concern is … is there any possibility for civilian rule after Meles? Is there any chance for democratic governance?

Yes, political power must be given back to the people. The people must be the source of power. Politicians must receive their offices from the people (and not from their guns).

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