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This Message for Saudi Arabia Ambassador in the world

By   /   November 16, 2013  /   Comments Off on This Message for Saudi Arabia Ambassador in the world

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Mr. Ambassador,

Thank you for promptly responding to our concern. We respectfully disagree with your statement that no killing, raping or beating of Ethiopians is taking place in Saudi Arabia. You are correct sir, in stating that Saudi Arabia is entitled to reform and streamline its laws and regulations. Regardless of the status of the individual (legal or illegal), the government has a responsibility to protect each and every person?s safety and handle the disposition of the case according to the laws established. Currently, organized youth mobs are breaking into apartments and homes that Ethiopians live and beating and raping innocent Ethiopians. And yes, there are several people killed in the clash although the number can not be confirmed. There are many eye witness reports that confirm that the police and security forces are keeping a blind eye when the crimes are committed or in many cases are themselves participating in the crimes.

We can present you with links from the many disturbing pictures that are currently overcrowding the social media and testimonies of the victims. But more importantly, you need to contact your government and ask them to walk through Monfouha region of Riyadh, where Ethiopians, in fear of being beaten and raped, abandoned their homes and are now sleeping on the streets to protect themselves against these horrors. In addition to that, we demand that you allow journalists and international community to visit the sub-human prison facilities that our citizens are currently detained in.

Respectfully expecting your prompt action and response,

ENTC leadership

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Unspeakable crimes currently underway in your country!
From: “Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Sweden”

Date: Fri, November 15, 2013 5:45 am

Thank you for your email. The Embassy would like to clarify to you that there were no killings, rapings or beatings of Ethiopians in Riyadh. The Saudis always appreciate Ethiopian participation and there are numerous Ethiopians who are currently enjoying working in Saudi Arabia and who have never been subjected to any harm.

However, we would like to point out the following in this regard.

– The government’s intentions are to streamline their legal status in Saudi Arabia in order to ensure the adherence of their residency to the laws and regulations that organize foreign residents in Saudi Arabia.

– The aim of applying laws and regulations is to safeguard the rights and obligations of all foreign labor alike, without targeting any specific foreign labor from any country, nationality or ethnicity. Such action is in accordance with national and international agreements and rules that protect the rights and obligations of foreign labor working in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the Saudi authorities gave all illegal aliens in the country a several months deadline to correct their illegal status in the Kingdom.

– Given our historical relationship with Ethiopians which dates back to the Prophet’s Mohammed (Peace be upon Him) time, we hope to cooperate and to solve any obstacles with respect to illegal residence according to the law.

– We would like to assure you and the Ethiopian Community here in Stockholm through you that the Government of Saudi Arabia is keen at respecting national and international rules and agreements that protect foreign labor currently working in Saudi Arabia. We appreciate the valuable contribution of all foreigners including Ethiopians to the development in the Kingdom.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Saudi Arabian Embassy

——– Original Message ——–

From: contact@etntc.org [/3rdparty/squirrelmail/src/compose.php?send_to=contact@etntc.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: Unspeakable crimes currently underway in your country!

To All Saudi Arabia embassies around the world,

Please read the attached letter and give it your utmost attention!

Click to access Letter-Saudi-Embassies-Around-the-World.pdf

Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC)

P.O.Box 9929

Alexandria, VA 22304

Tel: 1-206-203-3375

Email: contact@etntc.org

Website: www.etntc.org

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  • Published: 11 years ago on November 16, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 16, 2013 @ 7:07 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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