www.maledatimes.com The abandoned people and the failed Government of Ethiopia(the TPLF) By Nathnael Abate - MALEDA TIMES
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The abandoned people and the failed Government of Ethiopia(the TPLF) By Nathnael Abate

By   /   November 18, 2013  /   Comments Off on The abandoned people and the failed Government of Ethiopia(the TPLF) By Nathnael Abate

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    The central responsibility of Government is protecting its citizens from any sort of assaults or attacks. Governments must ensure that the essential pre requirements for a well-functioning security system for the citizens whether the citizens are outside or inside the territory of that country. To protect the rights of individuals  or for the sake of securities of citizens diplomatic (foreign) relations  are made between two or more countries.  Foreign relation is made for socio-economic and socio-political benefits of contracting countries. Individuals who crossed other country’s border illegally, could be arrested or immediately returned to the homeland without getting harmed or inhumane treatments, since the countries have security providing agreements. Even if the country is ruled by dictator regimes these dictator regimes have extensive bureaucracy to give the appearance of doing something of the people but in fact they are self-enriching  and systematically  convincing  the people to stay in power.

The failed and ignorant TPLF regime of Ethiopia has abandoned the people of Ethiopia. Due to the worsened socio-economic and socio-political conditions by the regime, hundred thousands leave the county each year. Many of these people make their way to the middle-east. These immigrants who fled to middle-east from Ethiopia are young women who go there to work as a domestic worker (housemaid). As soon as they start working; confiscation of travel documents, rape, harassment, ill-treatment, long hours of work and exploitation starts. Some of these women are too young and not able to withstand the situation. So, they commit suicide.


Currently, the Saudi Arabian police and civilians are hunting down Ethiopians and brutally killing, gang raping, beating and torturing them. The blood of our brothers flowing like a flood water on the streets of Riyad and the crying voice of suffering and rapped sisters are going on. This murderous campaign by The Saudis is an organized effort by the state security forces and civilian vigilante gangs armed with knives, guns and sticks going house to house dragging Ethiopian women, children and men and abusing them. Some has lost their lives, many more are injured and robbed their properties

Most of these Ethiopians are trafficked to Saudi Arabia by agencies in Ethiopia that are a colleague with Saudi-Ethiopian billionaire Al-Amoudi and his associate mafia regime TPLF. The main goal of the partners is enriching themselves and earning high profit from the agencies but not the security of individuals.

. The above mentioned and associated inhumane treatments against Ethiopians are not done only outside their country but inside Ethiopia too. Most of the Maid workers, Guards, cleaning workers of the foreigners and factory workers of the foreign companies inside the country are continously  exploited, oppressed and rapped. Three weeks ago a report about Turkish owned textile factory called AYKA, tells that the workers were forced to work long hours plus their bosses rape the female workers.


In March 2011 during our short project work on local low income people me with some colleagues, Interviewed about 100 Ethiopians who work for foreigners and all of the interviewees  answers  were the same .They told us, that they were afflicted, treated badly, forced to work more hours and some  young women said they were raped repeatedly but they couldn’t expose this in fear of losing their job. The authorities never take the complain of these workers as seriously as enough. Even if, the issue is taken further to the police or legal level the case is closed and the victim is silenced by police or authorities since the foreigner bribes them. These citizens are considered as a second citizens in their own country, where they and their forefathers lived, where they born and grew up.

The System of government of Ethiopia (TPLF) allows the foreigners to benefit by all means while the citizens deeply hurt. In the expense of the poor people’s sweat, non-Ethiopians are getting richer and richer while citizens are pressed down in their own country.  In the blood of Ethiopians, woyane regime is accumulating  billions of dollars in foreign banks. Any opposition or opinion expressions against  the evil act of regime would result inarrest, torture, persecution and even killing.



Due to an unfavorable political system in Ethiopia, some who are able to flee the country face very severe conditions. For instance those who are suffering in Egypt, Libya, Arab countries and in the refugee reception camps of many countries including the recent death of many lives in Lampedusa Italy. Some of them were died and buried without even being identified.

All these things are happening to the people of Ethiopia outside and inside the country is due to wrong  administration of Tigrean Liberation front (TPLF).

Here the main unanswered  puzzle is, what does the TPLF regime is doing  when our brothers slaughtered and  sisters rapped in the Saudi Arabia?  Even if these people are in foreign land illegally, they should be returned safely back to their homeland as long as they are not criminals.  But killing and rapping immigrants are inhumane and crime against international law. The TPLF regime has proved that its alliance with Saudis by ignoring Ethiopians to be killed by Arabs.

All Ethiopians wish to get back every single drop of blood of the killed people from the hands of TPLF regime and its counterpart Saudi Arabians. TPLF is the soul selling bandit groups and irresponsible mafia regime is not taking any action to stop further human rights violations and killings in Saudi Arabia. Even if the action is taken,the actions could be very mild and unfair since TPLF will not act series enough toward the Saudis. The regime will take in to account its mutual theft web with Saudi Mafias in Ethiopia. The core idea of the failed Ethiopian government is enriching itself and its  foreigner partners. The more we look at deep in to the system of TPLF government; they sold us and are selling us for foreigners. Our lands are confiscated, our people are enslaved, our sisters are rapped and exploited, our brother’s blood flow on the streets of foreign lands everywhere in the world.  We become the abandoned people like flocks without herdsman.

To gain back our national dignity all Ethiopians should fight against the TPLF regime. The ignorant regime made us the stateless people throughout the world. The biased and one sided foreign policy, the regime benefiting economic strategy, priority of benefit than security of citizens are the missions of woyane government. The central purpose of government in a country is to be the role model for, and protector of, equality and freedom and our associated human rights. For the first, government leaders are social servants, since through completing their specific responsibilities they serve society and to ensure the wellbeing, security and welfare of the society. But we can’t expect  this  from Woyane government, which failed to stand for our country and for us. The only solution for the complicated and web structured problem of Ethiopia is removing the woyane and its system from the land Ethiopia. Woyane betrayed Ethiopia, let down our national dignity and failed to stand for US!!!


The writer’s contact :- nathanialoret@gmail.com

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  • Published: 11 years ago on November 18, 2013
  • By:
  • Last Modified: November 18, 2013 @ 9:19 pm
  • Filed Under: AFRICA

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