- Curated by Tim Lammers

According to the criminal complaint, Shefa told authorities that Tesema “wanted to bring another woman into their bedroom and wished to use a sexual device on her during intercourse.â€
WCCO reported that Tesema was stabbed about 30 times. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office said the man died of a stab wound to the heart.
Police said the couple’s children, ages 2 and 3, were in the house at the time of the stabbing.
According to the complaint, police were called to the scene after Shefa ran from the house yelling hysterically about her husband and her kids. Police reportedly coaxed the children from the house before entering.
The Sun Current said Tesema was found in a bathroom, and officers tried to resuscitate him before he was pronounced dead at the scene.
Shefa was treated at Hennepin County Medical Center for a cut on her hand. The Sun Current said the woman told nursing staff that her husband stabbed her after he had been drinking and using khat.
Khat is primarily cultivated in East Africa and the Arabian peninsula, and has a stimulant effect when chewed.
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