Ethiopian Christian and Muslim Council in Washington DC Press Release

The Ethiopian government is continue to grossly violate fundamental rights of its citizen disregarding its own constitution that unequivocally guarantees these clearly stated citizens’ rights on the constitution. Freedom of Religion, Freedom of speech, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are basic human rights and are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. […]
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የሃሳብ áˆá‹©áŠá‰µ ያለ áŠá‹á¡á¡ áˆá‹©áŠá‰±áŠ• መድረአላዠአáˆáŒ¥á‰¶ ለማሸáŠá መሞከሠትáŠáŠáˆˆáŠ› አካሄድ áŠá‹á¡á¡ ከዛ á‹áŒª ሞትን መመኘት ከሰá‹áŠá‰µ እንዴት እንደራቀ የሚያሳዠየወረደ አመለካከት áŠá‹á¡á¡ የጠቅላዠሚ/ሠመለስ ዜናዊን ጤንáŠá‰µ አስመáˆáŠá‰¶ እáˆáˆµá‹Ž ለአሜሪካን ድáˆá… በሰጡት ቃለáˆáˆáˆáˆµ ጠቅላዠሚ/ሩ ህáŠáˆáŠ“ቸá‹áŠ• ጨáˆáˆ°á‹ በቅáˆá‰¡ በስራቸዠላዠእንደሚገኙ ሲገáˆá አቶ በረከት ስáˆá‹–ን á‹°áŒáˆž እረáት እንደሚያደáˆáŒ‰ ገáˆá€á‹‹áˆá¡á¡ የቱን እንመን? ህá‹á‰¥ ማወቅ […]
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አቶ መለሰ ዜናዊ ከሞቱᡠወዠደáŒáˆž በጠና ተá‹á‹˜á‹ ለረጅሠጊዜ ከአáˆáŒ‹ ላዠከዋሉ ብዙ ሰዎች ሊከሰት ስለሚችሉ ጉዳዮች ብዙ የተለያየ áŒáˆá‰¶á‰½áŠ• ና መላáˆá‰¶á‰½áŠ• ሰንá‹áˆ¨á‹‹áˆ; በመሰንዘሠላዠናቸá‹á¡ ወደáŠá‰µáˆ á‹áˆ°áŠá‹áˆ«áˆ‰á¢ በእáˆáŒáŒ¥ መላ áˆá‰¶á‰½áŠ• መገመት ቀላሠባá‹áˆ†áŠ•áˆ መገመት áŒáŠ• á‹á‰»áˆ‹áˆá¢ áˆáŠ• አáˆá‰£á‰µ አንድን áŒáˆá‰µ የተሳካ ወዠደáŒáˆž ለስኬቱ የቀረበየሚያደáˆáŒˆá‹ የማያሻማ ጥሩ መረጃና የመረጃ áˆáŠ•áŒá¡ የአáˆáŠ• አጠቃላዠ[…]
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Great Britain’s women’s volleyball team lost their first ever match at the Olympic Games against Russia, going down 3-0 at a sold-out Earls Court. The home team made a superb start as the team came out fighting to take the lead 8-7 in under eight minutes, accompanied by resounding cheers from the partisan crowd. Russia’s […]
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UK monarch Queen Elizabeth II officially opened the 2012 Summer Olympics in London in the early hours of this morning. Some sixty thousand spectators observed sixteen thousand athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) walking into the Olympic Stadium in the British capital. London is thus far the only city to host the Olympics for […]
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London 2012 Summer Olympics organizers apologized to the North Korean women’s football team after mistakenly displaying South Korea‘s flag alongside competitors’ images during team introductions before a match featuring North Korea and Colombia at the Hampden Park venue Wednesday night. The North Korean women walked off the field, delaying the match for over an hour […]
Read More →Human Rights Watch can’t even be bothered to get Meles Zenawi’s position right

Examples of poor research and manipulation of facts, deliberate or otherwise, can all-too-often be seen in the work of international advocacy organizations which prefer invention to accuracy, fiction to fact. One recent example can be seen in a piece produced by Ben Rawlence, senior researcher on Africa for Human Rights Watch (HRW), a few days […]
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