Ethiopia’s ‘cupcake divide’ in Addis Ababa By Mary HarperBBC News, Addis Ababa
Continue reading the main story Related Stories Thousands attend Meles funeral China brings jobs to Ethiopia but at what cost? Ethiopia profile Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing non-oil economies in Africa, but while a growing middle class aspire to symbols of modernity – such as cupcakes – for most, this new Africa is […]
Read More →US concerned about worsening Muslim rights in Ethiopia By United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is deeply concerned about the increasing deterioration of religious freedoms for Muslims in Ethiopia. Since July 2011, the Ethiopian government has sought to force a change in the sect of Islam practiced nationwide and has punished clergy and laity who have resisted. Muslims throughout Ethiopia have been […]
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“በቃሊቲ ማሰሪያ ቤት እáŠáˆáˆ± “ማረሚያ ቤት†á‹áˆ‰á‰³áˆá¢ በáˆáŠ«á‰³ ወገኖቻችን እንደሚገኙ á‹á‰³á‹ˆá‰ƒáˆá¢ በቅáˆá‰¡ á‹°áŒáˆž  የሙስሊሠኢትዮጵያá‹á‹«áŠ• መáትሄ አáˆáˆ‹áˆ‹áŒŠá‹Žá‰½ ወደ ቃሊቲ ተዛá‹áˆ¨á‹‹áˆá¢ á‹áˆ… áŽá‰¶ ህብረተሰቡ ከታሳሪዎቹ ጎን መሆኑን ያሳያáˆá¢ “አያሳá‹áˆâ€ የሚሠካለበደንብ á‹°áŒáˆž á‹áˆ˜áˆáŠ¨á‰°á‹! áŽá‰¶á‹áŠ• ብቻ ሳá‹áˆ†áŠ• የታሰሩበትንሠáˆáŠáŠ•á‹«á‰µ በደንብብንመለከት á‹°áŒáˆž áˆáˆ‹á‰½áŠ•áˆ ከáŠá‹šáˆ… ወገኖች ጎን መቆማችን አá‹á‰€áˆ¬ áŠá‹!â€Read in PDF ማን ጸሎት ያሳáˆáŒ (1)
Read More →How Race Slipped Away From Romney By Sara Murray and Patrick O’Connor | The Wall Street Journal
How Race Slipped Away From Romney By Sara Murray and Patrick O’Connor | The Wall Street Journal – 3 hours ago Associated Press/Stephan Savoia – Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney wave to supporters after Romney conceded the race at his election night …more BOSTON—Mitt Romney is one of the wealthiest men […]
Read More →Espionage on Ethiopians in Noway has TPLF backing By Samson Seifu
Arrest of a Sudanese Refugee Spy: a defining historic moment The Police Security Service (PSS) locally known as PST has arrested a Sudanese man, accusing him of refugee espionage in Norway. PST said the man, on several occasions, secretly collected information about Sudanese in Norway, and sent the information to the authorities in Sudan. Among […]
Read More →Sassou keeps eye on presidential goal
CONGO-B Sassou keeps eye on presidential goal While the IMF reflects on ways to get the Republic of Congo to use its oil wealth to alleviate poverty, President Denis Sassou Nguesso has his sights set on 2016. The next presidential election might seem far off . But the far-sighted head of state is already laying […]
Read More →Bureaucracy; the pillar EPRDF rusting
Public service giving practice has always been complained in our country, specially in recent time, hearing countless complains against institutions performance is not some thing we are unfamiliar with. In fact, it pushes me to share you my observation of the relationship between the practice of serving the society and performance of the institutions, be […]
Read More →Why you can’t vote with your iPhone: There may be an app for it, but there isn’t an appetite By Beau Brendler | The Ticket
As thousands of people on the U.S. East Coast struggle to reset their lives after a devastating storm, now comes the hassle of getting to the local polling station. So with personal technology in our hands that can help us find a parking spot, make a doctor’s appointment or pay the mortgage, why can’t we […]
Read More →Ethiopia has lost $24.9 Billion in Capital Flight in 40 years, 3.4 Billion in 2010
According to report from Political Economy Research Institute of University of Massachusetts, Ethiopia has lost $24.9 Billion in Capital Flight in 40 years and 3.4 Billion in 2010 alone. Capital flight is defined as unrecorded capital flows between a country and the rest of the world. Its measurement starts from the inflows of foreign exchange recorded in the country’s Balance of Payments (BoP), […]
Read More →Ethiopian Americans gotta vote in 2012! By Alemayehu G Mariam
In September, I expressed my support for President Barack Obama’s re-election. I told my readers that I enthusiastically supported candidate Obama in 2008 but was disappointed by his Administration’s policy in Ethiopia and Africa following his election: Did President Obama deliver on the promises he made for Africa to promote good governance, democracy and human […]
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