South Sudan government, rebels set for New Year’s Day talks
South Sudan’s government and rebels are set for New Year’s Day peace talks in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, to thrash out a ceasefire to end weeks of ethnic bloodletting in the world’s newest state. Both sides agreed to a ceasefire on Tuesday, mediators said, but fighting between government troops and militias loyal to former vice-president Riek Machar raged in Bor, the capital of the vast Jonglei state and site of an ethnic massacre in 1991. “I’m worried that the continued fighting in Bor might scupper the start of these talks,” said Ethiopian Foreign Minister Dr Tedros Adhanom, who is chairperson of the regional Intergovernmental Authority on…
Read More →North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says purge was a cleansing of ‘filth’
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made his first reference to the execution of his powerful uncle in a New Year’s address, saying the reclusive state’s ruling party had become stronger after it was purged of “factional filth.” And he called for better relations with South Korea, warning that another war on the Korean peninsula would cause a massive nuclear disaster that would hit the United States. Kim, the third generation of his family to rule North Korea, did not refer by name to his uncle Jang Song Thaek, who…
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ጉዳያችን የተሰኘዠብሎጠያቀረበá‹áŠ• ጡመራ  እንዲህ አቅáˆá‰ ንላችኋሠᣠጉዳያችን ብሎáŒáŠ• ከáˆá‰¥ እናመሰáŒáŠ“ለን ታህሳስ 22/2006 ዓሠዳáŒáˆ›á‹Š አᄠáˆáŠ•áˆŠáŠ áŽá‰¶Â ኢትዮጵያ በየዘመኗ በሕáˆá‹áŠ“á‹‹ ላዠየተቃጣባት የመበታተን አደጋን ያለáˆá‰½á‰ ት መንገድ የጦáˆáŠá‰µ መንገድ ብቻ አá‹á‹°áˆˆáˆá¢áˆ†áŠ–ሠáŒáŠ• ከáŠá‰ ሩን የáŒáŒá‰µ ታሪኮች በዘለለ በሕá‹á‰¥ ዘንድ ተወዳጅ የáŠá‰ ሩ እና በሕá‹á‰¥ ዘንድሠየተወደዱ  መሪዎች áŠá‰ ሩንá¢áŠ¨áŠ¥áŠáŠáˆ… á‹áˆµáŒ¥ ዳáŒáˆ›á‹Š áˆáŠ•áˆŠáŠ አንዱ áŠá‰ ሩᢠአᄠáˆáŠ•áˆŠáŠ ሀገሠ[…]
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የማለዳ ወጠ… * ዱባዠበአስደናቂ 400 ሽህ áˆá‰½á‰¶á‰½ አለáˆáŠ• አስደመመች! * እáብ ድንቅ áˆá‰½á‰¶á‰½ የአለáˆáŠ• ሪኮáˆá‹µ ሰብረዋáˆáˆ ተብáˆáˆ * ሳá‹á‹²áŠ“ ባህሬንን በሚያገናኘዠድáˆá‹µá‹ ተጨናንቋሠ* እኛሠእያዘንን ለመደሰት በመሞከሠላዠáŠáŠ• ከአመታት በáŠá‰µ 828 ሜትሠእáˆá‹áˆ˜á‰µ ያለዠየቡáˆáŒ… ከሊá‹áŠ• ሰማዠጠቀስ ህንጻ በመገንባት የአለáˆáŠ• ሪኮáˆá‹µ የሰበሩት ኢáˆáˆ¬á‰¶á‰½ ዛሬ በጀመáˆáŠá‹ አዲሱ አመት 400 ሽህ እáብ […]
Read More →ኢትዮጵያዊዠá•áˆ®áŒáˆ°áˆ ከአሜሪካ ዩኒቨáˆáˆ²á‰²á‹Žá‰½ áˆáˆ‰ áˆáˆáŒ¡ የኢንጂáŠáˆªáŠ•áŒ መáˆáˆ…ሠተብለዠተሸለሙ !
 Ethiopian professor named “The best Engineering Professor in US in 2013” ዶáŠá‰°áˆ ያቆብ አስታጥቄ á‹á‰£áˆ‹áˆ‰á¢ በሞáˆáŒ‹áŠ• ስቴት ዩኒቨáˆáˆ²á‰² የኢንጂáŠáˆªáŠ•áŒ መáˆáˆ…ሠናቸá‹á¢ በመላዠአሜሪካ 240 የኢንጂáŠáˆªáŠ•áŒ ኮሌጆችና ዩኒቨáˆáˆ²á‰²á‹Žá‰½ ሲኖሩ በጠቅላላ 27ሺ የኢንጂáŠáˆªáŠ•áŒ á•áˆ®áŒáˆ°áˆ®á‰½ (መáˆáˆ…ራን) á‹áŒˆáŠ›áˆ‰á¢ በያመቱ áˆáˆáŒ¡ አስተማሪ á‹áˆ¸áˆˆáˆ›áˆá¢ ታዲያ በ2013 á‹“.ሠከáŠá‹šáˆ… 27ሺ á•áˆ®áˆáˆ°áˆ®á‰½ መካከሠኢትዮጵያዊዠዶáŠá‰°áˆ ያቆብ አስታጥቄ “የዓመቱ áˆáˆáŒ¥ የኢንጂáŠáˆªáŠ•áŒ መáˆáˆ…ሠ– Best […]
Read More →Syria misses deadline to remove chemical arms
Ships waiting to remove Syria’s chemical weapons have returned to port in Cyprus because the country has missed a December 31 deadline. Syria was supposed to have removed part of its chemical weapons arsenal for destruction on Tuesday, but Wael Na…
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