Vice President Joe Biden Mourns The Loss Of His Son Beau By The Yolanda Adams
It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley, Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life. The entire Biden family is saddened beyond words. We know that Beau’s spirit will […]
Read More →Ethiopia and Horn of Africa Migration: Push or Pull?
In a theory of migration, the forces that cause people to move around the globe can be seen as either push or pull forces. At present the world is very concerned with defining the forces that drive human movement in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. What extreme circumstances would make Ethiopian young people undertake […]
Read More →Ethiopia prepares for election with ruling party expecting landslide victory
William Davison,Source Africa Intelligence Media Just days before Ethiopia goes to the polls, the Jan Meda sports field in Addis Ababa is empty of its usual hordes of joggers and footballers. Instead it is reserved for a rally by the main opposition party, Medrek. But only a couple of hundred people turn up, their […]
Read More →Ethiopian Ruling Coalition Wins Majority of Parliament Seats
William Davison, May 27 Ethiopia’s ruling coalition won a majority in national elections, extending its 20-year rule over Africa’s second-most populous country, the electoral board said.The Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front, or EPRDF, and allied parties won all 442 of the seats counted so far in the 547-member federal parliament, Chairman Merga Bekana told […]
ADDISSTANDARD Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services Sufian Ahmed, Ethiopia’s Finance Minister, lost his candidacy at the ongoing Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) at the Election for the Office of President of the Bank. Sufian was the second cadidate to be […]
Read More →ፓስተር ዳዊት ሞላልኝ የተባለ ግለሰብ ህጋዊ የትዳር አጋሬን ባለቤቴን በቁሜ ነጠቀኝ:: አቶ ግርማ ዱሜሶ
ጌታ ለእኔ የማይፈርደው እስከ መቼ ነው? የእግዚያብሔር ቤተሰቦች የእውነት ቃል በእናንተ ካለ እስቲ ፍረዱ !ይህንን ጽሁፍ እራሳቸው አዘጋጅተው ከእነ ፎቶግራፋቸው የላኩት ግለሰብ ነዋሪነታቸው በሰሜን አሜርካ በአትላንታ ጆርጂያ ግዛት የሚኖሩት አቶ ግርማ ዱሜሶ የተባሉ ግለሰብ ህጋዊ ባለቤቴን ወ/ሮ ትግስት አበበ ደምሴን ፓስተር ዳዊት ሞላልኝ የተባለ ግለሰብ አስነውሮብኝ ትዳሬን አፍርሶታል:: እኔም እነዚህ ሁለት ግለሰቦች ባደረሱብኝ ከባድ የህይወት […]
Read More →Five Armed Ethiopian Opposition Forces Agreed to Unite
Five major Ethiopian armed opposition groups have reached into a tentative agreement to join their forces under one formidable opposition armed front that will be tasked to free Ethiopia and its people from the clatches of the minority ethnocentric TPLF regime. The All Ethiopian Liberation Front/Force (AELF) – የመላው ኢትዮጵያ ነጻ አውጪ ግንባር / ሃይል – […]
Read More →Israel detains Palestinian National Football Team one day after Netanyahu up FIFA to facilitate travel of Palestinian athletes
Menu Israel/P The Palestinian National Football Team delayed by Israeli Forces at the Allenby/Al Karamah Crossing. (Photo: Palestine Football Association) The following was sent out by the Palestine Football Association earlier today: Letter to FIFA: Israeli Forces Delay Palestinian National Football Team May 21, 2015 This evening Israeli Forces delayed the Palestinian National Football […]
U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Vietnamese blogger “Dieu Clay” (left), and Simegnesh “Lily” Mengesha (right), on May 1, 2015. Simegnish “Lily” Mengesha is a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy. The views expressed here are her own. For any ordinary person, engaging in discussion with the world’s most powerful leader […]
Read More →ጆሲ ኢን ዘ ሀውስ ሾው ስራውን ለማቋረጥ ተገደደ ፣ኢቢኤስ አሰራራቸው ፖለቲካዊ ጭብጥ እንዳለው ያሳያል!
ጉዳዩ፡ፕሮግራም ስለማቋረጥድርጅታችን ከጣቢያችሁ የአንድ ሰዓት የስርጭት ጊዜ በመውሰድ በ ኢቢኤስ ቴሌቪዥን ላለፉት ሁለት ዓመታት “ጆሲ ኢን ዘ ሃውስ ሾው ” የተሰኘ ፕሮግራም እያቀረበ እንደሚገኝ ይታወቃል፡፡ ፕሮግራሞቻችን ሀገራዊ ፋይዳ ያላቸው፤ ትውልድን የሚያንጹና የሚያስተምሩ በመሆናቸው በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ በተመልካች ዘንድ ከፍተኛ ተወዳጅነት ለማግኘት የቻሉ እንደሆነ አያጠራጥርም፡፡ቀደም ባለው ጊዜ በተፈቀደልን የአየር ሰዓት የሠራናቸውን ፕሮግራሞች ለማቅረብ የነበሩት ሁኔታዎች የተመቻቹ ቢሆንም […]
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