ለተከበሩት አቶ ደብረ ጽዮን (ዶክተርነትዎትን በተረጋገጠ የትምህርት ማስረጃ ስላልሆነ ዶክተር ብሎ መጥራት ያሳፍረኛል )
ይህንን አጭር ጽሁፍ ለመጻፍ ያነሳሳኝ መሰረቱ የአምባገነንትዎትን አንደበት ምን እንደሆነ ለመናገር ሲሆን ምናልባትም እርስዎ ይህንን ከምንም ላይቆጥሩት ይችሉ ይሆናል ሰፊው ህዝብ ግን ከምን ሊያደርሰው እንደሚችል አምናለሁ እና ነው ። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ የናቁት እና ያዋረዱት ሰፊውን እና መላውን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሲሆን በሁለተኛ ደረጃ መደምሰስ እና መግደልም የፈለጉት ይህንኑ ህዝብ እንደሆነ በጥንቃቄ ተረድተውት ከአንደበትዎት ያወጡት ቃላቶች ይመሰክሩታል። […]
Read More →Time for Boycotting Ethiopian Government Services and TPLF/EPRDF owned companies
Seid Hassan Boycotting is one of means for non‐violent struggle. It has been effectively used in many parts of the world, particularly against the apartheid regime in South Africa. It is about time for all Ethiopians and freedom loving people to put pressure by boycotting products and services offered by the government, its supporters and particularly those businesses owned by the EPRDF. By boycotting government services, party‐owned parastatals (such as EFFORT) and the businesses owned by its staunch supporters, we will effectively be reducing (even incapacitating) the financial wherewithal the regime uses to buy weapons, pay the Agazi killers, the federal police and the military. Part I. Generally Known Tactics Which Make Boycotting Successful [Note: Those who may be uninterested in reading/knowing the modalities of effective boycotting can skip Part I and jump to Part II without much loss. Just make sure to do your part by participating in boycotting. Boycotting cannot be effective without everyone’s participation, which includes, you!] 1. Try to have a vision and make sure to follow through. Thomas Edison, the brilliant American inventor (who invented light bulbs, photography and motion picture), is known to have said this: “Vision without execution is hallucination.” How true! 2. Try to be organized and, if possible, include a clearly defined goal. That is, try, if possible and whenever possible, to have a timeline, guideline, and to provide strong leadership. Try to send clear messages, whenever possible, to the offending company, government, country or party with a request for a CLEAR and VIABLE policy change. If they renounce their wrong doings, use them as an example. Remember, when you do that, you are sending multiple messages (both to your allies and the potential enemies) while at the same time, reducing the number of enemies that you would have to target. Don’t forget that boycotts require the dedication and work of energetic activists, the support of enthusiastic consumers, and lots of planning. 3. Do your homework before targeting individuals, companies, or governments. Study them well before targeting them. 4. Be consistent and don’t weaver. 5. Be organized and try to have more backers who would help you and in case something happens to you (take a vacation, be away for a while…etc.) 6. Don’t let consumers second guess you‐ especially in case they happen to see you wavering or you don’t know what you are talking about. 7. Be careful not to buy the product that you asked others to boycott. Avoid being a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing something else that contradicts the spirit of the campaign effort. I happen to know members of the Ethiopian diaspora being hypocrites and indirectly assisting the regime for too long. Enough is enough! 8. Make Boycotting to be Surgical (hitting where it hurts the most): Focus on a few products, companies, stores, or persons and hit them hard, repeatedly. It is actually better to hit a few targets and be successful rather than trying to do everything at one time. It is better to be up against smaller fish than bigger ones, too. If you target many of them at once, you will reduce your effectiveness. You will also lose many followers and consumers. In fact, you may even want your target to aim at some smaller fish and kill them. You can build on that success and go to the bigger fish next. 9. At the start of your campaign, choose a company or its product that is the “most visible, […]
Read More →የሪዮ ተቃውሞ በኪውቢክ ሲቲ ተደገመ
Quebec City Marathon winner replicates Olympic medallist’s political protest Ebisa Ejigu of Ethiopia performed a sign of protest against his home country’s government as he won the Quebec City Marathon on Sunday. August 28th, 2016 by Tim Huebsch | Posted in Racing, Running News, Running videos https://www.facebook.com/marathonquebec/videos/1407028775979194/ Feyisa Lilesa of Ethiopia made headlines last Sunday […]
Read More →የዲሞክራሲ ቀለሞች – ከሽግግር እስከ ችግግር! ዳዊት ከበደ ወየሳ (አትላንታ – አሜሪካ)
ኢህአዴግ አዲስ አበባን ከተቆጣጠረ በኋላ… የ”አትነሳም ወይ?!” መዝሙሮች ተደምጠዋል፤ በርካታ የተቃውሞ ሰልፎች እና የስራ ማቆም አድማዎች ተደርገዋል። የተቃውሞ ሰልፉ ከመብዛቱ የተነሳ ሁሉንም መዘርዘር ያታክታል። ለምሳሌ “የአጼ ምኒልክ ሃውልት ይፍረስ” የሚሉ ሰዎች ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ አደረጉ። ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሃውልቱን ዙሪያ በጥቁር ጨርቅ ሸፈኑት። ይህ ዜና ተብሎ በሬድዮ እና በቴሌቪዥን ቀረበልን። ከዚህ በኋላ የኢህአዴግ ሹማምንት […]
Read More →የማለዳ ወግ … ዝም የማይባል የወገን ድረሱልን ጥሪ !
============================= * ” የዛፍ ላይ እንቅልፍ !” ስደት * የኮንትራት ሰራተኞች “ድረሱልን” ድምጽ https://youtu.be/VZP-9yOvdg0 የመረጃ መረቡ ከሃገር ቤት በሚሰማው የህዝብ እንቢተኝነት አመጽ ተጨናንቆ እኛንም አጨናንቆን ከርሟል ። በዚህ የመረጃ ቅብብሎሽ መካከል ወደ ምሥራቅ ሳውዲ ለስራ ጉዳይ አቅንቸ ነበር ። ርያድ ፤ ደማም ፡ ጁቤል፤ ሃፍር አልበጠንን ለአንድ ሳምንት ሳካልል ከሃገር ቤት ከሚሰማው መረጃ እኩል በሳውዲ […]
Read More →ለሁሉም ጊዜ አለው ማስተዋል በለጠ
በመላዋ ሀገራችን ለነፃነታችን እየተዋደቁ የሚገኙ ዜጎች ውድ ሕይወታቸውን እየሰው የነፃነት ቀንዲሉን በማብራት ላይ ናቸው፡፡ ታሪክ ሲዘክረው የሚኖር ታላቅ መስዋዕትነት እየከፈሉ በመሆናቸው በአልሞ ተኳሽ የወያኔ አጋዚ ጦር አንገታቸው እየታረደና ጭንቅላታቸው እየተገመሰ ሕይወታቸውን የሚያጡ ውድ ወገኖቻችንን ነፍሳቸውን ፈጣሪ ይማርልን፡፡ በዚያን ሰሞን ካነበብኳቸው መጣጥፎች አንዱ በ16 የትግራይ ተወላጆች የተጻፈው በወያኔ ላይ የተወሰደ አቋም ነው፡፡ ኪዳነ ምሕረት ትባርካቸው፡፡ […]
Read More →An Olympic Protest Is the Least of Ethiopia’s Worries
By William Davison, August 23, 2016 ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — When Ethiopian marathoner Feyisa Lilesa neared the finish line in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday and crossed his hands above his head, it wasn’t to celebrate the Olympic medal he was about to win. It was to protest his government’s violent crackdown on ethnic Oromos, […]
Read More →Five Past Champions Including World Record-Holders Headline 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon Elite Field
August 23, 2016 Reporters May Contact: Alex Sawyer, Bank of America Chicago Marathon, 1.312.992.6618 alex.sawyer@cemevent.com Diane Wagner, Bank of America, 1.312.992.2370 diane.wagner@bankofamerica.com Five Past Champions Including World Record-Holders Headline 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon Elite Field Dickson Chumba, Dennis Kimetto and Tsegaye Kebede Lead the Mens Field; Florence Kiplagat and Atsede Baysa Highlight the […]
Read More →Key U.S. Africa Ally Faces More Unrest After Scores Killed
By William Davison > Ethiopian government seen unlikely to make concessions > Demonstrations involved country’s two largest ethnic groups Ethiopia, a key U.S. ally in the fight against Islamist militants in East Africa, faces the prospect of further unrest after a crackdown on anti-government demonstrations held by its two largest communities over the weekend […]
Read More →The government’s plan to improve football infrastructure is getting locals offside
BROKEN windows; fraying nets; chairs with missing legs: the Yidnekachew Tessema Stadium in Addis Ababa has seen better days. Rehabilitated by Emperor Haile Selassie after his return from exile in 1941, it was once a proud monument to Ethiopia’s restored independence following five years of Italian occupation. In 1962 it hosted the African Cup of […]
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