U.S. Granted Citizenship to Deportees Due to Fingerprint Flaws
Melissa Chan @melissalchan The Homeland Security Department headquarters in Washington, June 5, 2015. Susan Walsh—AP The Homeland Security Department headquarters in Washington, June 5, 2015. “This situation created opportunities for individuals to gain the rights and privileges of U.S. citizenship through fraud” The U.S. has granted citizenship to nearly 900 people who had been ordered […]
Read More →6 emails you must read about Ethiopia from Hillary Clinton emails published by Wikileaks
Wikileaks has released thousands of Hillary Clinton emails on July 5, 2016. Here are six important emails we found that specifically talk about Ethiopia. MELES From: Wendy Sherman To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2012-08-20 00:14 Subject: MELES UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05791778 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN FULL From: Sherman, Wendy […]
Read More →Obama Gives Final Speech Before U.N. General Assembly
REBECCA HERSHER President Barack Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. Richard Drew/AP President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly this morning, his final speech before the international governing body. As he nears the end of his two terms in office, the president addressed some of his administration’s biggest […]
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በሳንዲያጎ ከተማ ነዋሪ የነበረው እና በቀድሞው ማእበል ጋዜጣ አዘጋጅ የነበረው ፣እንዲሁም በምንሊክ ሳተናው እና አስኳል ጋዜጦች ላይ በከፍተኛ አርቶት የሚታወቀው ጋዜጠና አበራ በትላንትናው እለት በደረሰበት የመኪና አደጋ በሳንዲያጎ ከተማ ህይወቱ ያለፈ ሲሆን ፣በዛሬው እለት በሳንዲያጎ የሚገኙ የኢትዮጵያ ኮሙኒቲ አባላቶች እና እንዲሁም የኢትዮጵያውያን እድር ተወካዮች በስደት ከሚገኙት የኢትዮጵያውያን ጋዜጠኞች ጋር በጉዳዩ ምክክር ያደረጉ ሲሆን ፣ የሳንዲያጎ […]
Source Esmerlada, Esmeralda Farms burn down in Ethiopia By a politic demonstration, the entire company of Esmeralda Farms in Ethiopia is set on fire. I estimates that 10 million was spent on investment went up in smoke last Monday. I have not seen pictures of the damage and establish contact with our office in Ethiopia […]
Read More →ይድረስ ለታጋዩ ሕዝባችን ፍርዱ ዘገዬ (ከአዲስ አበባ)
አንደኛ – የማንም ንብረት ቢሆን በተያዘው የሕዝባዊ እምቢተኝነት ሰበብ ማቃጠሉና ማውደሙ ጠቃሚም ተገቢም አይደለም – መራራው የትግል ጉዟችን ብዙ ማስተዋልና ብዙ ማሰላሰል ያለበት ይሁን፡፡ በርግጥ በእስካሁኑ ሁኔታ የዐማራው ትግል ብስለትና ጨዋነት የተሞላበት መሆኑና ልዩ ጥንቃቄ መደረጉ የሚያስመሰግን ነው፡፡ አንዳንዴ የምናየውን የሚቃጠል ወይ የሚወድም ንብረትን ግን ወደ ሕዝብ ሀብትነት ለውጦ ለነጻነት ትግሉ እንዲጠቅም ማድረግ ይቻላል፡፡ […]
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