Black Agenda Report’s Glen Ford Says The US Is Trying To Use Ethiopia And The International Criminal Court To Do To Eritrea What It Did To Libya
Glen Ford is a distinguished radio-show host and commentator. In 1977, Ford co-launched, produced and hosted America’s Black Forum, the first nationally syndicated Black news interview program on commercial television. In 1987, Ford launched Rap It Up, the first nationally syndicated Hip Hop music show, broadcast on 65 radio stations. Ford co-founded the Black Commentator […]
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ይሔ “የጠላቴ ጠላት ወዳጄ ነው ቅኝት”ከየትኛው መንገድ ያደረሰን ይሆን? መቀመጫውን በፈረንሳይ /ፓሪስ በማድረግ ምስጢራዊ ነክ በሆኑ ዲፕሎማሲያዊ ፣ ወታደራዊ እና የኢንቨስትምነት ጉዳዮች ዙሪያ የሚያውጠነጥነው “አፍሪካ ኢንተለጀንሲ” የተባለው መጽሄት በቅርቡ እንደዘገበው በአዲስ አበባ እና በአሰመራ ገዢዎች መካከል ቀደም ሲል የተፈጠረው ቅራኔን ተከተሎ የ ኢ ሕ አዲግ መንግስት የኤርትራው አቻው ተቃዋሚዎች ጥምረት የሆነው የኤርትራ ብሔራዊ ካውንስል ለዲሞክራሲ […]
Read More →Ethiopia to expand tiny car assembly business in industrial drive By Reuters
Ethiopia has grand ambitions for its tiny auto industry, seeking to transform a handful of assemblers that bolt together imported kits into a network of factories that can make the country Africa’s biggest car manufacturer over the next two decades. It is part of a vision to turn a nation that is among the poorest […]
Read More →Freed From Prison, Ethiopian Bloggers Still Can’t Leave The Country

(NPR)— Zelalem Kibret remembers the day: July 8, 2015. He was in a prison library reading a biography of Malcolm X, his own copy, when some guards called his name and handed him a piece of paper. The message: All charges against him were withdrawn. He was being released. “I was asking why,” says Zelalem, […]
Read More →Ethiopia: Kidnapped Briton spends 700th day in illegal detention

(Ekklesia)— A British man who is held under sentence of death in Ethiopia has spent his 700th day in unlawful detention, after he was kidnapped and rendered to the country by Ethiopian forces in 2014. Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege, a father of three from London, disappeared in June 2014 while in transit at an airport in […]
Read More →Boma government accused of being behind massacre in Ethiopia

April 21, 2016 (ST, JUBA) – A senior army general in South Sudan’s government has accused Boma state government of being behind the recent massacre of over 200 ethnic Nuer citizens in Ethiopia when ethnic Murle militia group crossed the borders and attacked villages inside Ethiopia. Greater Pibor Administrator and head of SSDM/A Cobra faction […]
Read More →The El Nino exposes guilt and crime
Posted By Issa Abdusemed Source: (Home > Panorama > Naturkatastrophen > Ostafrika – Eingeholt von der Vergangenheit 21. März 2016, 19:00 Uhr Ostafrika). The Süddeutsche newspaper reports on its 20.03.2016 publication that the Ethiopians are under severe drought and dictatorial threat. The drought is caused by the effect of El Nino and is affecting millions […]
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