South Sudan Warring Factions to Talk Power-Sharing at Summit
By William Davison, Nov 2014 South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and his former deputy, Riek Machar, are set to meet in the latest effort by East African leaders to broker a power-sharing deal and end more than 10 months of fighting. The key issue the pair will discuss at a regional summit that started today in […]
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የኢትዮጵይያ የወቅቱ ኣምባገነናዊ መንግስት ( የወያኔ ሰርእት) በ23 ኣመታት የግፍና የጭቆና ኣገዛዝ ህዝቡ ላይ አሰቃቂ በደሎችን ፈጽሟል። ኣረመኔ የወያኔ ባለስልጥናት የኢትዮጵያን ኣኩሪ ታሪክ በመደምሰስ አጅግ ኣሳፋሪና ኣንገት ኣስደፊ የድህነት የአንግልት የዘረኝነት አንዲሁም የኣምባገነናዊነት ታሪክ በኣገሪቷ ላይ አየሰሩ ሁለት ኣስር ኣመታትን ኣሳልፈዋል። በታሪካችን አያሌ ፈተናዎች ገጥመውናል። ብዙም ጊዜ ታግለን ጥለናቸዋል፣በተለይ ዛሬ በደረስንበት ሁሉ አንገታችንን ከክብር […]
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by Jason Mosley, Associate Fellow, Africa Programme The latest report from the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea has stirred tensions between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia. Eritrea has seized on a selective reading of the report to call for the lifting of UN imposed sanctions, a call already rebuffed by the Monitoring Group’s Coordinator. […]
Read More →Hunger – Ethiopia’s new weapon to force tribes off their land ,

source survivalinternational The Omo Valley tribes A massive hydroelectric dam threatens the tribes of the Lower Omo River The tribes have lived in this area for centuries and have developed techniques to survive in a challenging environment.  They have not been consulted about the dam and stand to lose their livelihoods based on the river’s natural […]
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