International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: A Cause for Observance Worku Abebe
June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. This is a UN instituted day which has been held annually since 1988 on 26 June. The main purpose of having this international day is to raise the awareness of the public about the dangers associated with abused drugs (also known as substances), […]
Read More →Egypt’s Nile Threats Weaken Case to Secure Water: Shinn By William Davison & Salma El Wardany –
Egypt must drop its objection to an Ethiopian dam on the main tributary of the Nile River or it may struggle to ensure adequate supplies from the world’s longest waterway, former U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn said. A $4.3 billion, 6,000-megawatt hydropower plant, set to be Africa’s largest on completion in 2017, has raised […]
Read More →የህá‹á‰£á‹ŠáŠá‰µ ካáˆá‹µáŠ“ የá“áˆá‰² á–ለቲካ -የáŒáˆ á‹•á‹á‰³ ሬገን ሰለሞን
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Read More →የመድረአሥራ አስáˆáƒáˆš በአንድáŠá‰µ á“áˆá‰² ጉዳዠመከረ *በአንድáŠá‰µ ላዠየዲስá•áˆŠáŠ• እáˆáˆáŒƒ ሊወስድ á‹á‰½áˆ‹áˆ በዘሪáˆáŠ• ሙሉጌታ
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Read More →Ethiopia Refuses to Cooperate With World-Bank-Funding Probe (2)

Ethiopia’s government said it won’t cooperate with a probe into whether the World Bank violated its own policies by funding a program in which thousands of people were allegedly relocated to make way for agriculture investors. Ethnic Anuak people in Ethiopia’s southwestern Gambella region and rights groups including Human Rights Watch last year accused the […]
Read More →Ethiopia: War crimes and genocide indictment inevitable for sadist thug Workneh Gebeyhu. (By Getahune Bekele, South Africa)
Since he ordered kids following their parents to anti-government rallies to be shot and killed, millions in Ethiopia regard him as a very insane man endowed with evil powers to maim and murder the innocent and the defenseless. Just looking in to his merciless gaze with blank cruelty of a cannibalized warlord sends shivers down […]
Read More →The Ethiopia in the heart of the Amhara! By: Menyelek
I declare, “A house can stand divided!â€Â the concern should be how long can the pillars hold, before the foundation cracks? The division in Ethiopia today is evident thought out political norms, social structures, individual rights, ethnic representation, personal development and freedom as a member of the state. In the state of anger following the current […]
Read More →Three killed along Kenya-Ethiopia border in attack linked to militiamen

By Cyrus Ombati MANDERA, KENYA: Three people were Thursday night killed after militiamen believed to be from Ethiopia attacked a village at the main border. Officials said tension was high along the Kenya-Ethiopia border after the militiamen killed three women in Malkamau area and escaped back to their country. Sources said all the killed women were Degodia and […]
Read More →Ethiopia: Editor Questioned Over Story On Meles’ Widow

PRESS RELEASE New York — Ethiopian police in Addis Ababa questioned an editor for several hours today in connection with a story published in October about the widow of the late Ethiopian leader Meles Zenawi, according to news reports. Officers in the Ethiopian Federal Police Crime Investigation Department interrogated Ferew Abebe, the former editor-in-chief […]
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