“I am Ethiopian, as truly and wonderfully as that is, and no one has the right to define, reduce, or otherwise dismiss my identityâ€; Dr. Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin

Much has recently been made of my ethnic identity although this is a matter of no relevance whatsoever to a reasoned discourse on the existence of the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange. However, when the unnecessary gets in the way of the important, however unpleasant it may be, it must be faced. I am Ethiopian, as truly […]
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Exciting period of reconstruction without Zenawi By Robele Ababya

The stunning ESFNA Triumph The TPLF captured power in 1991 with its hidden policy of exclusivity in the exercise of that power. The acronym EPRDF was and is now merely a sugar coat encapsulating the poison of everything evil detrimental to the existence of Ethiopia in a harmonious and tolerant social environment in unity in […]
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