Israel’s Hidden Agenda in Syria
The Israeli Government is the greatest parasite in the Middle East due to their illegal occupation of Palestine and their interference in the domestic affairs of foreign nations. In fact, there has not been a war that Israel has not indirectly or directly involved themselves (save the Gulf War, but Iraq did fire scud missiles […]
Read More →200 African migrants detained in Libya – BETINEWS
The migrants were hidden in boxes inside a vehicle to be smuggled out of Tripoli [AFP] About 200 African migrants, mostly from Ethiopia and Eritrea, detained west of Tripoli en route to Europe. About 200 migrants, mostly from Ethiopia and Eritrea, have been detained in Zawiya west of Tripoli as they tried to cross to […]
Read More →White House Science Fair Features Project by Ethiopian-Born Student Felege Gebru
President Barack Obama poses for a photo with Felege Gebru, 18, and Karen Fan, 17, both of Newton, Massachusetts who participated in the fourth-ever White House Science Fair on May 27th, 2014. President Barack Obama hosted the 2014 White House Science Fair last Tuesday, May 27th highlighting some of “America’s most innovative students†and featuring […]
Read More →Ukraine police stand down after protest grows
By JIM HEINTZ and MARIA DANILOVA, Associated Press Pro-European Union activists wave flags as riot police pull back from Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013. Security forces clashed with protesters as they began tearing down opposition barricades and tents set up in the center of the Ukrainian capital early Wednesday, in an […]
Read More →Hunger – Ethiopia’s new weapon to force tribes off their land ,

source survivalinternational The Omo Valley tribes A massive hydroelectric dam threatens the tribes of the Lower Omo River The tribes have lived in this area for centuries and have developed techniques to survive in a challenging environment.  They have not been consulted about the dam and stand to lose their livelihoods based on the river’s natural […]
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