ወያኔ ላደረሰብን ቁስል ፈውሱ ትግል ነው።
የኢትዮጵይያ የወቅቱ ኣምባገነናዊ መንግስት ( የወያኔ ሰርእት) በ23 ኣመታት የግፍና የጭቆና ኣገዛዝ ህዝቡ ላይ አሰቃቂ በደሎችን ፈጽሟል። ኣረመኔ የወያኔ ባለስልጥናት የኢትዮጵያን ኣኩሪ ታሪክ በመደምሰስ አጅግ ኣሳፋሪና ኣንገት ኣስደፊ የድህነት የአንግልት የዘረኝነት አንዲሁም የኣምባገነናዊነት ታሪክ በኣገሪቷ ላይ አየሰሩ ሁለት ኣስር ኣመታትን ኣሳልፈዋል። በታሪካችን አያሌ ፈተናዎች ገጥመውናል። ብዙም ጊዜ ታግለን ጥለናቸዋል፣በተለይ ዛሬ በደረስንበት ሁሉ አንገታችንን ከክብር […]
Read More →Jawar openly calling Jihad and genocide against Christians and other ethnic groups in Ethiopia. He was making unfounded historical fabrications when he was addressing Ethiopian Muslims in America
Jawar openly calling Jihad and genocide against Christians and other ethnic groups in Ethiopia. He was making unfounded historical fabrications when he was addressing Ethiopian Muslims in America , preaching to his fellow Muslims and Oromo people (whom he claimed are all Muslims) to liberate ‘fellow Muslims in central and northern Ethiopia.He is even went […]
Read More →Ethiopia Has Arisen!
On Ginbot 20, Â 1983 (Ethiopian calendar; [5/28/1991]), Meles Zenawi and thousands of his guerilla fighters marched into Addis Ababa toting AK-47s, RPGs and hand grenades. They marched into the capital promising democracy, freedom and liberation from a brutal military dictatorship. The people of the capital welcomed them with some anxiety; but they were greatly relieved […]
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