Ethiopian Prime Minister Takes Break to Recover From Illness

By William Davison  Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is taking a break to recover from an unspecified illness and will return to duty once he is well, Communications Minister Bereket Simon said. “He is in good health,†Bereket told reporters today inAddis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, adding that further details aren’t being announced for […]

Reporter: Durame, July 12, 2012 — Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi is secretly receiving medical treatment in Meles Zenawi is “terminally ill†with cancerBrussels this week, after the 57-year-old former gurrella fighter was diagnosed with a severe case of blood cancer. Adding creditably to reports of his deteriorating health, Meles has rescheduled all public appearances for […]
Read More →Hunger – Ethiopia’s new weapon to force tribes off their land ,

source survivalinternational The Omo Valley tribes A massive hydroelectric dam threatens the tribes of the Lower Omo River The tribes have lived in this area for centuries and have developed techniques to survive in a challenging environment.  They have not been consulted about the dam and stand to lose their livelihoods based on the river’s natural […]
Read More →Exciting period of reconstruction without Zenawi By Robele Ababya

The stunning ESFNA Triumph The TPLF captured power in 1991 with its hidden policy of exclusivity in the exercise of that power. The acronym EPRDF was and is now merely a sugar coat encapsulating the poison of everything evil detrimental to the existence of Ethiopia in a harmonious and tolerant social environment in unity in […]
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