በኦነግ ላይ የሚፈጸም የትኛዉም የፖለቲካ ሸፍጥና ደባ ወደ ዴሞክራሲ የሚደረግን የሽግግር ሂደት ያደናቅፈዉ እንደሆነ እንጂ አያሳካም ! ኦነግ

ከኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር (ኦነግ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ (የኦነግ መግለጫ – ሰኔ 05, 2011 ዓ.ም) ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያ የሚታየዉን የፖለቲካ ለዉጥ ያስገኘዉ፤ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለነፃነቱ ስል ያደረገዉ መራራ ትግል እና ዛሬም ድረስ እየከፈለ ያለው ዉድ መስዋእትነት መሆኑ ማንም ልክደዉ የማይችለዉ እዉነታ ነዉ፡፡ በትግሉ ሂደት ዉስጥ ደግሞ ኦነግ እንደ ድርጅት ያበረከተዉ ድርሻ፣ የድርጅቱ አባላት እና ደጋፊዎች (Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo […]
Read More →Teddy Afro concert cancelled
Bedele Special cancels sponsorship of Teddy Afro concert tour “It was a decision taken jointly with the artist. Our focus is on supporting events that bring entertainment and joy to our consumers,†Heineken stated after it announced it was pulling the plug on the sponsorship deal with Teddy Afro for what was to be a […]
Read More →Jawar openly calling Jihad and genocide against Christians and other ethnic groups in Ethiopia. He was making unfounded historical fabrications when he was addressing Ethiopian Muslims in America
Jawar openly calling Jihad and genocide against Christians and other ethnic groups in Ethiopia. He was making unfounded historical fabrications when he was addressing Ethiopian Muslims in America , preaching to his fellow Muslims and Oromo people (whom he claimed are all Muslims) to liberate ‘fellow Muslims in central and northern Ethiopia.He is even went […]
Read More →Post-Meles Possible Scenarios By Messay Kebede

By Messay Kebede – The trouble with tyranny and personalized power is that institutional mechanisms of power transfer do not work. In most cases, such mechanisms exist and are enshrined in written and exalted constitutions. Nonetheless, to the extent that tyranny and the exercise of arbitrary power irreparably tarnish them, institutions do not command any […]
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ከá‹áŠ¸áŠá‹ አንተáˆáŠáŠ የጎጠኛዠመለስ ዜናዊን ሰሞንኛ áˆáŠ”ታ አስመáˆáŠá‰¶ የሚባሉᣠየሚተረኩና የሚጻበየተለያዩ አመለካከቶችንሠሆአመላáˆá‰¶á‰½áŠ• ጨáˆáˆ® የደጋáŠáŠ“ የተቃዋሚ áˆáŠžá‰¶á‰½áŠ• ያካተቱ መረጃዎች á‹á‹ˆáŒ£áˆ‰á¢ መረጃዎች አንደኛዠከሌላኛዠየመደጋገá‹á‰¸á‹áŠ• ያህሠበዚያዠáˆáŠ áˆáŒ½áˆž የተራራá‰á£ የማá‹á‹›áˆ˜á‹±áŠ“ ከዚያሠሲያáˆá በáŠá‰µ የተጻá‰á‰µáŠ• የሚቃወሙና የሚተቹ á‰áŒ¥áˆ«á‰¸á‹ ጥቂት ባለመሆኑᤠየሆáŠá‹áŠ• ትáŠáŠáˆˆáŠ› áŠáŒˆáˆ ለማወቅ ለሚáˆáˆáŒˆá‹ የኢትዮጵያ ህá‹á‰¥áŠ“ አንባቢ áŒáˆ« አጋቢ áˆáŠ”ታን áˆáŒ¥áˆ¯áˆá¢ á‹áˆ… እንዴት […]

Reporter: Durame, July 12, 2012 — Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi is secretly receiving medical treatment in Meles Zenawi is “terminally ill†with cancerBrussels this week, after the 57-year-old former gurrella fighter was diagnosed with a severe case of blood cancer. Adding creditably to reports of his deteriorating health, Meles has rescheduled all public appearances for […]
Read More →Oil prices surge before Norway lockout

(AFP)NEW YORK — Oil prices surged Monday as Norway’s oil industry appeared headed for a labor lockout at 2200 GMT with little hint that a shutdown will be avoided in Western Europe’s largest oil and gas producer. After pension talks between the industry and unions failed over the weekend, the industry side raised hopes […]
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