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  1. It has to be clear for all Ethiopian 20 years of oppression by marxist follower the tyrant regime is over.

    Today All Ethiopians life or death we can not allow his cronies with out the will of the people will continue to stay the power. It will be a fatal mistake. its by any account even by African standard 20 years is way, way a long time. We rather die than accept his regime to continue the same tyrant group. It’s not a monarch you can’t deny the people to vote and put whom ever they chose plus, we know all the military power has been transfered to tigres people even with that it’ll have a dire consequences you’ll not win.

    If you want to live in peace let Ethiopian decide elect their own leader.

  2. I have great appreciation and respect for Dr. Eleni for what she has accomplished and what she’s trying to do for our country. I think we all should follow her example, but unfortunatly we all caught up by this parasite of ever spreading disease. It’s probably all of us need to look at ourselves and say. We are becoming the very one instrument for those who prey on our weakness than our strength. Who doesn’t want wee are united and work together for better tomorrow.

    I hope we’ll take the challenge she gave us and follow her foot step. It’s not easy but it can be done.

    Wish you all the best!

    Thank you for your contribution you make us all proud and standing tall as women & Ethiopian.


  3. I am sure some of you might have a different opinion than the majority of Ethiopian. Why, again Why can anyone answer us the eritreans the very venomous enemy is still staying among us. What have we learned from the past, we learn they were pretending to be one of us and they were fighting against us and passing to the gurila fighters all ower secret. Today they are coming back while we Ethiopians are not geting back our properties they are previleged to get back. They stole and damage so much during the final war time. Which was led by meles and co. now we still have to deal with them it’s an everlasting naging problem. Can we let them whatever compensation for the property they say they have and let them go back. I would rather have another foreigner next to me rather than standing next to an eritrean. I’m sorry you all may not have paid sacrifices like most of us. I just don’t understand why can’t we close our border and not ever have to deal with them. We can use Kenya, djibouti, Sudan as long as we pay for it. We need to build a strong military base.

    I just want to have peace never have to deal with this people. It just some body has to explain why do we need this people.

  4. Dont get it wrong I am not siding with anyone.But this is not a character of a great reporter your stories should base on facts rather than rumors .However even if , lets say it is true, we shouldnt be praising his death specially in the condition that the country is in right now . I would prefer to be ruled by Meles than Sharia.If we all open our eyes and try to see clearly we would all understand how dangerous the death of Meles is gonna be. I think we all should pray “Yebase atamta!”

  5. what are you talking? this report is like the prevous fake news on death of the hero of Eritrea Issias Afewerki. Goood promices and ambitions. But dream it self is not enough God should help you to rest in peace these 2 leaders in hell

  6. waa wax la gu farxo geerida malas maxaa jira dhib badan ayuu naguhayay in kasta oo gaalada kuba kii ka danbeeye ukadaranyahay dhibka u ugeeysanaaya muslimka caawana waxaan rajeeynayaa obaama iyo sarkoosi inay bakhtiyaa INSHAA ALAAH

  7. waxaa Farxad leh geeridii ku timid dhiigya cabkii Zanawi Somalida Kalinka Shanaad iyo Oroma hada aad fursad haysatiin in aad xuriyadiini la soo laabatiiin ee xuriyadiina ku dhaqaaqa ama wadanka oo dhan gacanta ku qabsada si aad dalkaasi oo dhan aad u maamushiin intii la idinka gooyay aad ka gooysiin War hooy xuriyadiina war hooy xuriyadiina war hooy xuriyadiina waa fursad dahabi ah

  8. akkaan gamana du’a malasa zenawi baga rabiin ajeese ka irrr gaari rabbbiin bakka nuuhaabuusu jabaadha umata islama tokoo ta’a ufirra kaa saa gabrummaa umata islaamarra jirtu irraa kaasaa gammachuu gaari dha kun alaa akbar

    we ethiopia muslim very happy about this evil deid

  9. alxamdulilaahi waa alle mahadiis hadow meles zenawi baqtiyay waana guul somaalida u soo hoyatay naarta allaha kawaraabiyo amiiiiiiiiiin

  10. waxad sheegten in ow dhintay mayle sanawi lakin idinka ka daran waayo waxad shegateen runti wax idnaan aheyn sida idinka o diinta ka been sheegay marka waxad mudan tihin mar hadaad dinta ka been sheegten in leydinku salido meyle iyo waxka xuun oo weligiin idin daba jooga tugayahay gafuurka duubta iyo kuwa tagerada siyoow

  11. waa ilaah mahadiis hadii uu baqtiyay maxaa yeelay waa nin sirta somalida yaaqo oo hadana xaasid ku noqday somaliya in ay dowlad noqoto waana cadawga somaliya waxaan u qabanay nooma qaban maxaa yeelay jamacadeena ayuu wax ku soo bartay waana nagu casiyay

  12. May His soul rest in peace! what is happening to Africa? first it was Levi Mwanawasa of Zambia then Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi, Atta Mills of Ghana and now Melesi Zenawi, its so sad.

  13. war meles haduu dhintay sooq qof walbaa dhiman maayo , waxa keliya ee muhiimka ah waxaa weeye. soomaali mais afgaran karaysaa iyadoo aan xabashi ku dhex jirin , tan kale soow mid lamida bedeli maayo oo siyaasadiisii ku socda maxaa isbedelaya ,hadii aan umaddaha kunooli aysan wax bedelin…ninkii meles ka xumaa ee seyum mesfin ayaa loo wadaa inuu qabto xilka madaxnimada abbassinia .markaa maxaa soomaali u dana ,koley daacuun kale ayaa imaanayee , ethiopia mar ay burburtoba way burburaysaa ,laakiin waa goorma ,,83 qawmiyadood oo kala duwan kala luuqada midmid lanooc ah aanu ku jirin…..soomaali nasiib maleh mar walba nasiib ayaa soo mara kamana faaiidaystaan…keenya qayb badda soomaaliya kamida ayay doonaysaa waana badda ku teedsan xuduudka….fiiro u lahaada

  14. How come no one stand up and broadcast on the issue of women trafficking on ESAT, and Nude clubs those establishment infesting Addis Abeba are the very failure of our culture and moral. What kind of society are we going to have in few years. Are we allowing another Ethipia to be like todays Thailand. Is that the major of progress as the west major it’s progress by the advanced technology yeap, you right my brother who could not complet your degree here in west in U.S.A or Europe go back and make money on our poor sisters who are innocent and trying to make a living on the cost of her life.

    I understand I have discussed this issue with some people in our community all I hear is leap service or blame on the corrupt meles regime. Yes, I admit this government has it’s own agenda trust me he would not allow that establishment to open in tigre region but he knows some morally corrupted and have no value system besides money will do it in Addis. All the colleges and business are moving to tigray while our childrens, brothers and sisters are being manipulated and become garbage dump for those “boys” who never grow up after leaving U.S they go and open this establishment and spread disease and drug problem in our society. Who’s going to take care of this down the road. Todays young or are we relying on west as they financing the aids medicine today to finance to and selling our resources for cheap and stay in that rut for ever. Or someone need to send a clear message to this “boys” yes, that’s what they are cheap morally corrupted has no what so ever dignity. if they have succeded in their education they would never have done this but the other way for them is whatever the consequences are they will make their money. If they have to sell their sister or making drugs look cool and sell that. How about we send a clear message for them that they should close or face concequences our youth need to demand the whole society need to demand. NOT IN MY BACK YARD! LOUD & CLEAR!

    I haven’t heard from ESAT, Ethiopian Review to open discussion and allow our community to discuss and come up with solution or this is not an issue since those who been sacrificed are women, we are suppose to sit aside and look good.
    No, wasn’t I a hero when I defend my country from the facist Italian invasion, wasn’t I a hero when I surve as a military and defend my country, or Am I not a teacher, a doctor,…or a pilot. Why my brother and father are not standing up for my right and shout! NO, not in my yard why you are not angry am I not your sister or mother.
    I have heard we have to first throw this regime, he’s the cause, No don’t tell me that we can fight every issue simultaneously all we have to do is sending a clear message to those establishments and let them know it’s not acceptable and organize our youth and make them aware.

    As they say to change a society teach a women she’ll change the whole village. You can’t deny that I’m not minimizing the importance of our fathers and brothers but this corrupt and decay which cause morally infectious disease we have to fight it now. let us hear from our brothers and fathers to stand up strong and champion the flag of freedom of women and teach them to be a strong Queen of Sheba, Tshay….

    We can do this. We should not allow it and defend our women & our country. It’s equally important Say Not in my back yard.

    Thank You!

  15. The Muslim community were the most adavantaged in the time of Meles and he will be back well. the majority Christian are also waiting him well. why is the students have such question raised as if they are concerned. Dear students nothing will happen Ethiopia will continue and maintain her Status quo for centuries to come thanks for our fore fathers. as to the administartion for all Oromo there is Aba Dula Gemeda for Tigary Aboy Sebehat, for SNNP DPM Hailemariam, For Afar Alimera family, for Aderi all have their own leader. the question is what do you want? do not worry.

  16. I wonder what former President Negaso Gidada was doing as an Oromia origin when Junedin Sado’s wife as well as Hasen Ali were mischefing Ethiopia in the name of the oromo ppl ? Did he foreget Abdisa Aga, Dersu Duki, Jakama Kello counteless Heros.

  17. Thank You Mrs. Meseret Dafar,

    You’re our Ethiopian Men & Women hereo, you’re our hero because once again like the one prior to you made us to lift up our head and say it loud yes, She’s Ethiopian oh, yeap she one I’m Ethiopian too. Because your hard work and victory with a great world achievement did not came easily. But you did not give up regardless of the difficulties life throw at you, if you fell you dust yourself off and you got up and faught again and I can see from your face the sweet tears and laughter and joy while you brought infront of the world the st. Marry picture and show how strong your faith was. I laughed and cried out of joy with you. I’m sure many of us sat and watched you from our home or in the arena and celebrated and thank GOD!

    But I want to remind our fellow brothers and uncles, fathers….how many are lost to the street of Addis who could have been Mrs. Meseret Dafar have we thought of it? I hope we’ll fight, fight it hard every where when a women is abused, sold her body for money,…women as well as men stand up and fight.

    Let us fight on behalf of so many possible Meseret, and Debaba lost in those dirty, fealthy nude clubs taking roots in our country, lets rally against them to close them for once and all. It’s not creating tomorrows bright nurses, engineers, doctors, teachers, …….or great journalists who awaken our consciousness…this are another meles agents who spread the aids disease, and corruption of our culture, and deteriorating the very strong Ethiopian spirit we have our belive in God and in who we are.

    Lets Join Hand & Fight, we can’t afford to stand by and watch. It may not be in you home today, but tomorrow when it surly come to you if shout no one will hear you, ’cause you’re not their for your neighbour. I pray to God that doesn’t happen to you!

    Thank You & God Bless!

  18. gigi you stupid woyane,stop blame dispora for everything.after all tigre by blood are shemuta.what can we do?its on your gene.you pretending educated woman while suck huge nigero dick.stop that first bitch a3ame.

  19. Thank You for your message in support of the journalist,

    Does the hunger strike on Aug. 17th, 18th, and 19th.
    Is it ok to have water when we are in publick if not please, inform us?

    Thank You!

  20. This regime you gave them to much power, they’re no body

    Enough is enough there’s nothing to be fear more than fear itself. Fight against it otherwise they will come and take you one by one. It’s your country you’re Ethiopian do not let any tigre to tell you otherwise. They are thief’s, murderers, nomads, and ignorant all you have to do is stand up together in unity for the same cause, when they come and take your neighbor tomorrow it’s on you too do not sit and watch. Unity makes you strong watch from the Muslim protesters when they stood up together the stupid tigre military could not do anything. But when they are alone they will detain them so do the same disobedience they’ll be gone soon just fight, non stop your forefathers fought for your freedom & you can do for your children do not teach them fear teach them to stand up against any kind of dictatorship a brutality and for liberty before anything else.

    Be blessed Ethiopia is one we will win and build a democratic Ethiopia and justice for all!

  21. weynai,is a traitor not to the Government of Eritrea but to the people of Eritrea and to his own brothers who are in the national service doing a great history with the few resources they have ,in which offered with such an Olympic opportunity the athlete is not doing it…..a real traitor to the mother land,a traitor to the many Eritreans who were supporting the athlete in the Olympics the whole day…and ……

  22. The tyrant’s death that was kept a secret for so long by his irresponsible, corrupt and autocratic inner circle should be a chance for Ethiopians to come together, bury the legacy of the brutal ruler that added 21 long years to Ethiopia’s dark past and keep up the fight for justice, equality, rule of law, human rights and democracy that we desperately need at this crucial time in our nation’s history. The opposition, political and civic organizations as well as all peace, equality and justice loving Ethiopians should come together and do everything in our power to make sure that our country comes out of the yoke of oppression, tyranny and marginalization that was forced on it by the savage rule of colonel Meles Zenawi. As I said earlier, if colonel Zenawi had anything to leave behind, it is the 21 dark years he added to the history of Ethiopia’s dark past and his serving as an American stooge that sacrificed Ethiopia’s interests and national pride for the whims and pleasures of the west, particularly its political master, the United States.

  23. Sory about prim Minster Meles Zenawi death by educaters brain canser, but cia spy can’t saver him from data of fit death. Who kill him would you answer indepandant cia spy or cia democracy or libration ?

  24. \*Sory about prim Minster Meles Zenawi death by educaters brain canser, but cia spy can’t saver him from data of fit death. Who kill him would you answer indepandant cia spy or cia democracy or libration ?*/

  25. drows kemayreba mn ytebekal enante yaleewket sltan eyerabachu yeDC mesarya hunachu tkeralachu enji EPRDF enante aydelem sew aygedlm bigedlmma nuro snt kfu yemisera endenante mesel eko ale.

  26. You can cry your eye out no body cares you can take the venomous mans children and leave our country. we’ll track all the money you and you husband the TPLF junta stole from us and you’ll be hunted like your husband where ever you go.

    I can promise you that, murderer when you heartlessly killed the poor Ethiopian children in their own country you did not come go back to tigray with your mosquito kids.

    I for one have no single cell to feel sorry for you or your husband I wish he died like Gaddafi style…darn it…
    I promise he’ll try to play game to get to heaven but Satan is waiting with pleasure because he found his much.

    Murderers you deserve death I hope God forgive me but I don’t feel sorry for you and your family.

  27. menewe enate gene enedezehe ayenete weshet tewashalacehu dedeboce nacehu eshi
    leseletan belacehu hezebune atasasetu
    dedeb nacehu oky

  28. sint forgid bemiserabet ager yihnn yekitfet debdabe new bileh meletefh min yahl anbabihn bitnk new err dibin bel engi Meles alem sirawn eyadenekew beasdenaki kibir new yarefew tultula hulu

  29. Well, after Wikleaks report it’s even more important for the tribal junta once again to analyze it’s policy and integrate the military that’s currently comprised of only meles ethnic group.

  30. It’s almost laughable to see the staged ceremony to make one simple tribal guy to larger than life. This again shows they try to make themselves as the Australian journalist said, unconventional style for Ethiopia. Who’s he? how quick did he forget he left the jungle 17 years a go and today he pour the countries resources to a charlatan parade. It’s once again obvious all that staged crying and drama on Addis Abeba street just to stay in power and to show the world how people pour their love. Who are you kidding they know more than you think they do….oh you people make us laugh how funny.

    Keep up your dramatized house of cards it’ll be unveiled soon.

  31. Thank you God he’s gone for his stupid eritrean relatives just to let you know we most of are happy is gone. I wish he was never been a part of Ethiopia, we are actually embarased our country name is associated with him. We never as him to stay why didn’t he move to eritrea. Of course he has to make sure his mosquito family has something to eat.

    Don’t you ever mention our country we don’t want to have anything to do with you.
    Go to hell with the butcher, murderer of yours that’s all you people know. Worry about your own physco guy don’t speak about our country it’s none of your business.

    we are not pretenders like you we tell the truth.
    you’re arab when you meet arabs, you’re muslim when you meet muslims, you’re christians …what’re you?

    God bless Ethiopia and it’s people

  32. የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ከድጡ ወደ ማጡ፡፡

    ከአሰግድ ታመነ [ ኖርዌይ ]

    የቀድሞው የወያኔ መሪና አንባገነኑ ጠቅላይ ሚንስትር መለስ ዜናዊ ሞተው ተቀብረዋል አፈሩን ድንጋይ ያድርግላቸውና እንዳይነሱ ምን ይታወቃል ተጭበርብሬ ነው ልመለስ ብለው እንዳይመለሱ ፈራው፡፡ እንደሚታወቀው የወያኔውን መሪ በስልጣን ዘመኑ ማለትም ለሁለት አስርተ አመታት በወጣና በገባ ቁጥር ከቤተ-መንግስት እስከ ቦሌ አለም አቀፍ አየር ማረፊያ ድረስ ለመግለፅ በሚያሰቸግር ሁኔታ ስፍራው በአጋዚ እየታጠረ፣ መንገድ ተዘግቶ ነዋሪው እየተዋከበ፣ ከመንገድ ግራና ቀኝ ያሉ ህንፃዎች ማማ ሳይቀር በአልሞ ተዃሽ ተከቦ፣ ህዝብ ጀርባውን ሰጥቶ እንዲቆም ተደርጎ፣ በከፍተኛ ጥበቃ ጥይት በማይበሳው መኪና በከፍተኛ ፍጥነት ሲደርስና ሲመለስ ነበር የምናቀው፡፡ ጊዜ ብዙ ያሳያልና አሁን በጠባብ ሳጥን ውስጥ ሆኖ በግልፅ በአደባባይ ቢሄድም፡፡

    መለስ እራሱን ብቻ አይደለም የገደለው ህወሀትንም ጨምሮ እንጂ በዙርያው የነበሩትን የህዝብ ድጋፍ ያገኛሉ ብሎ ያሰባቸውን ሰዎች ለማጥራትና ብቸኛው መሪ ሆኖ ያለተቀናቃኝ የስልጣን ዘመኑን ለማሳለፍ ባለው ፍላጎት እንደ አየሎም አይ ነቱን ሲገድል ሌሎቹን በጡረታና ከህዝብ ጋር በማያገናኝ ስራ እንዲጠመዱ ሲያደርግ ነበር ። በዚህም ስራው አሁን ላይ ወያኔ ኢሀደግ ብቁ የሚሆን አመራር አጥተውና በስልጣን ይገባናል ሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ ያለ መሪ ከሁለት ወራት ለበለጠ ጊዜ ለመቆየት የተገደደችው። እናም ለዝያ ነው መለስ ለኢትዮጵያ ብሎ ሳይሆን ለግል ጥቅሙ ሲል TPLFን የገደለው። ነገ ምን እንደሚፈጠር አይታወቅም ግን መለስ የራሱን ድርጅት ለስልጣኑ ተቀናቃኝ ያላቸውን ሰዎች በማስወገድ ባዶ አስቀርቶ ሲያጠፋ አሁን ያሉት አይል የሌላቸውና ሀገር አይደለም ቤተሰብ መምራት የማይችሉ ጥረቅምቃሞ ብቻ በመሆናቸው የነገዋን ሀገራችንን ሳያት በጣም ያሳሰበኝ።

    በርግጥ የህወሃት ነባር የአመራር አባላት በዚህ ቀውጢ ወቅት ይከፋፈላሉ ማለት ግን ቲኒሽ የሚያስቸግር ይመስለኛል። ከተከፋፈሉ ቤተመንግስት ውስጥ ማን እንደሚገባ ያውቃሉ። የምኒልክን ቤተመንግስት አንድ ጊዜ ከለቀቁ፣ ዳግም እንደማይመለሱባትም እንደዚሁም እልውናቸው እንደሚያከትም ይረዳሉ። ስለዚህ ወያኔ ህወሃት የስልጣን የበላይነታቸውን ማስጠበቅ የመጀመሪያ እቅዳቸው ስለሆነ ባብዛኛውም ከፍተኛ አመራር ላይ ያሉት እንደ መከላከያ ፌደራል ፖሊስ የደህንነት ቦታዎችን የተቆጣጠሩት ወያኔ ህወሃት በቀላሉ የጠቅላይ ሚንስትሩን ቦታ ለም/ ጠ /ሚ አቶ አይለማርያም ደሳለኝ አሳልፎ የሚሰጡ አይሆንም። በዚህም ምክንያት ነው እስካሁን ጠ/ሚ መሾም ያቃታቸው። እንድያውም ከመቼውም በላቀ አንድ ሆነው ይታገላሉ እንጂ ህወሃት ወያኔ ተከፋፍሎ ትርምስ ውስጥ እንደሚገባ መጠበቅ የዋህነት ይመስለኛል ።

    ም/ጠ/ሚ አቶ አይለማርያም ደሳለኝ የደህዴን ፕሬስዳንት ሆኖ ከ2002-2005 የሰራ ሲሆን በአቅም ማነስ ከፍተኛ ተቃውሞ በሲዳማ ህዝብ ሲደርሰበት አቶ መለስ ከቦታው አስነስተው
    በ2005 የጠ/ሚንስትሩ አማካሪ ተብሎ በSocial Affairs and Civic Organizations and Partnerships ለሁለት ዐመት አስቀምጠውት ነበር ። ታዲያ ይህ ሰው ከፍተኛ የስራ ለምድ የሌለው ከመሆኑም ባሻገር ሌሎቹ የቀድሞው የወያኔ አመራር አባላት ሊታዘዙትና ሊያከብሩት አይችሉም እናም እንዴት ብሎ አገር ሊመራ ይችላል በዝያ ላይ የመጀመርያው የፕሮቴስታንት መሪ በዚህም ላይ ጥያቄ ቢኖረኝም። ያለመሪ መጪውን አዲስ አመት የምተቀበለው አገራችን ባለስልጣኖችዋ ከህዝብ መሪ ይልቅ የፓርቲ መሪ ሰላሳሰባቸው የህወህትና የኢሀዴግ መሪ ለመምረጥ ቀጠሮ ይዘዋል። እንደምናውቀው የጋናው ፕሬዝዳንት ከመቀበራቸው በፊት ነበር ም/ጠ/ሚ የሳቸውን ቦታ ተክትው እንዲሰሩ ቃለመሃላ የፈፅሙት የሀገር ጉዳይ የሚያንገበግባቸው በፍትህና በዲሞክራስያዊ አሰራር የሚያምኑ ቅድሚያ በመስጠት እንደተንቀሳቀሱት ጋናዎች ትምህርት እንክዋን ሊሆኑን ሲገባ የኛዎቹ ለፓርቲያቸው በመጨነቀ እንደ ቀድሞው ሱማሊያ ያለመሪ አስቀርተውናል ።

    በሀገራችን በኢትዮጵያ ከፓለቲካ ጨዋታ ባለፈ የግል ጥቅምና ዘረኝነት የሌለበት አርቆ አሳቢና ቅን መሪ በማጣት ለዘመናት በረሀብ በድህነት ስሟ ከሀለም የመጀመሪያውን ቦታ እንደያዘች አለች። የመለስ አንባገነናዊው አገዛዝ በሱ ሞት ብቻ ተወስኖ ሳይቀር የሁሉም ፓርቲዎች መቻቻልና መግባባት ታክሎበት መሰረታዊ ለውጥ ካላመጣ በስተቀር ወያኔዎች እንደሚሉት የመለስን ፖሊሲ ተከትለን እናስፈፅማለን የሚባል ከሆነና የህዝቡ ነፃንት እንደተረገጠ ዲሞክራሳዊ መብቱ እንደተጣሰ በአንድ ዘር የበላይነት የሚመራና በዚያው የሚቀጥል ከሆነ መለስን ሞተ ለማለት ይከብዳል ስሙን ቀይሮ መጣ ከማለት ውጪ። እስከዝያው ግን ሁላችንም ባለንበት ቦታ እያደረግን እንዳለነው ትግላችንን በተናጠል ሳይሆን በአንድነት በመለያይት ሳይሆን በመግባባት ልዩነታችንን አስወግደን ለምንወዳት ሀገራችን የተሻለ ጊዜ እንፍጠርላት ዘንድ …. አሜን ።

    ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር ፤፤፤

  33. How can two people be a leader at the same time. This is in contradiction to leadership principles. According to leadership principles their shoud be Unity of Command. Subordinates can not be responsible for two people at the same time.There should alawys be one leader to be responsible for anything.I guess this will crate a leadership crises soon. If one person receive conflicting order from his/her boss which boss s(he) has to obey?

  34. Happy New Year to All Ethiopians,

    Before we start a discussion we need to clean Ethiopia free our land from eritreans and all oiur politics. I think if the parliament doesn’t respect the Ethiopian people request continue to ignore there will be no progress.

    We have to make sure all the eritreans has to leave first if not it’ll be a continuing strugel…..to come that we can promise you. There’ll be No Peace!

  35. It’s new year, our strategy has to be enforced with a new device.

    We have to wake in this coming month the ocnscioiusness of the farmers and general public. To refuse pecefuly from being an instrument to woyane and to protest the selling of our land, the killing of Afar people, Gambela, Sidama the dislocation of Amhara, the killing og Oromia.

    If the general population refuse to collaborate and protest the woyanes has no choice and international corporation will not get involved in anstable country and pour their money. The diaspora can play a big role in stoping the foreign aid by exposing the regime on press freedom and being a totalitarian regime.

    We have to follow the money that’s flowing outside the country and block and expose those woyane member buying businesses in illegal money in both europe and america and the killers has to be exposed for the American government. Before they know it they have no other way but fall when they can not finance their military they have to run and we’ll never give up to hunt them down and expose them through International tribunal court. If meles died his wife and the rest of the regime is still responsible for all absolut inhumane treatment of Ethiopian people torture and comitting genocide.

    We should not rest before they all are set to be an example of African dictators….this has to be our new year resolution. We can until the day I die I’ll not give up this I can promise each and every brutal woyanes for killing innocent Ethiopian in your dungeon

  36. Well,well the shorty when he died they try to paint him as if the was the messiah. But look this is the evidence the supposedly humble guy who came from humble beginings wanted to have a royal cermony. Who’s he for whom is the show everyone in the world will laugh at you. You were yesturday a gurila fighter don’t know any better. We have constantly told both him and his party been uneducated and looting Ethiopia all the talk is just appearance both his wife and his TPLF party been committing genocide, looting our economy doing money laudry with the coperation of Alhamudi which the study analysis will soon show the cooperation of European and American ounter parts help. Here while his people are starving his body is transported with unnecessary cost of mass organisation with Ethiopian money. This people have nothing to eat the inflation has quadrpled. Why and for whom the show was necessary and we know all Ethiopian people that he’s no body and not even elected pm he stayed in power through force.

    We wanted them to leave actually now the question is if they can’t live by the constitution following the rule like any other Ethiopian they are well come to be an independent tigray and to leave Ethiopia. We don’t need tigres and we don’t want them in our politics

  37. Dear Maleda:
    Found this quote at the link below. Interesting?
    “Comrade Mengistu adamantly sought military solution to the nation’s dilemma. He would not liberalize his policies soon enough because he only listened to his mentors Dr. Fida & Co., the ghosts of Uncle Marx, Cousin Lenin, Brother Castro, and later as he gained confidence, only to his inner voice. Did history determine the course of his fate? All the same, he continues to be severely criticized by all those who hoped but failed to wrest power from him. In the end, he will probably be remembered for enduring an embarrassing confrontation in the Shengo by a lone cleric and for taking a last flight out of the country. He was then in his fifties as is Prime Minister Meles now. Am I being fatalistic again?”

  38. Egzibaher kanchi gar yehun! thnks for all the good work that you are doing.
    Wede fit enji wedehuwala anhedem!
    “Love each other or perish” We will love each other and we will move forward!

  39. I hope Mr. Bereket is seeing the light or I don’t know if there’s something else behind to his party decision. Sometimes it looks like TPLF is running a parallel tigray state because things are done differently in tigray compared to the rest of the country. Whether the decision is as 21 years a go when they first came to power it was said their question is to liberate tigray and possibly join eritrea. They will develop tigray and once they get as much as they can on the cost of the rest of Ethiopia, they will divide and instigate to flame civil war and say well we can no longer rule the country we need you take the governing of your country and leave and start greater tigray. If that is the case here I guess as long as we have our people and the rest of Ethiopia we’ll manage to recuperate and reorganize our country and learn from the past and move forward. As far as tigray will be gone it’s not much to lose.
    If that’s not the case I can’t see why they keep abusing our people they should calm down the people and guide with respect and love not force. If they do the right thing people will reelect them but the way they are abusing people it’s damaging it’s hard to watch.
    I hope Mr. Bereket have wise up and trying to sacrifice for the better of our country and build a path for a democratic Ethiopia through same system as European or American. An elected official can hold maximum only 2 term each being 4 years a total of 8 that would eliminate corruption and establish accountability.

    Please, stop the killing and abusing people it’s absolutly unnecessary don’t see that you have the control of power today you never know what the future will bring. To avoid future consequences this rowdy military who act un Ethiopian brutality they have to think about tomorrow. No one last forever watch and learn mengistus cadres who committed crime are convicted today in U.S.A for the crime they did in the past. This people have to realize there’ll be a judgment day coming for them to.

    God Bless Ethiopia and give us wisdom specisally for those who sit in power today!

  40. Oh God what’s going on? when we hope finally they will take a different course of action that what they did in the past. Is Ethiopia becoming anarchy state.

    I understand PM Hailemaria is just a symbol. I know he been exposed to western life style he knows well, how dear and important it’s to have Freedom Of Speech & Free Press, he really need to do a bit more than praying. God brought you to decision making if you don’t agree in their ruling you can protest by steping down.

    The worl then can see and take action to support the opposition. Why is it necessary to confiscate Mr. Eskinders property or his family when it’s time to release him and direct the country to a new day.

    We are losing hope and believe that any progress will come out of this regime.

  41. tesfish Ke Haile yeteshal amarach kalesh tenageri.beterefe Haile behulum mizan ke Meles endemishal amnalew.Bravo Bereket!!!!!!! Tesfish ye Ethiopia guday le Ethiopiawiyan tewew pls.

  42. I really don’t get it, most of you are emotional I see through a different eye. This Tedy Afro guy I don’t even know why he doesn’t move to eritrea or leave Ethiopia. As for me he’s no different than Banda.

    I’m discusted by him I really do as once my ancestors said”Hamotebys” whatelse does he bring to the country. Now we have to be afraid of our own.

    God help us from those wicked people and those who are weak harboring enemies within us.

  43. I salute you now, Dr. Eleni.

    I have had huge admiration for you as you have contributed enormously to our country.

    In all honesty, you are the envy of many in the diaspora, my self included.

    I strongly believe,though,that one doesn’t need to reveal their ethnic identity in response to gossip simply because doing so never satisfies those who creat and spread the gossip as it emanates primarly from jealousy.

    Having said that, however, your humble way of revelation was touching and I could sense your soft side.

    It is blindingly obvious now that it is in your blood since the Menelik era or beyond to try and work hard for the betterement of Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

    I take great pleasure from reading your saying, among others, “Ethiopia is ours to claim, build and restore. Rather than engage in destructive ethnic bigotry, far better to embrace all of what we are and to build a better future for our children”. As a father of four children who were born and are growing in London, you exactly expressed my inner feelings too.

    I am sure everyone in their right mind know that you are a true daughter of Ethiopia. Your contribution is immense and you have a lot to offer.

    Please keep it up!

    May God bless you and your family.

  44. I’ll send mail and encourage Ethiopian youth to go out with slogan and demand for him and his wife to leave. He’s a danger to Ethiopia, it’s his God given right to marry whomever he want we have no right to stop that but he have no right put all of us endanger that’s all I’m saying.

    I’ll never forget those who lived among us and slaughtered us at the end. Those of you who got amnesia please, revisit history. I think he can move to Europe & America…what I’m worried about is she’s = Isayas

  45. “ሃይሌ የውሃ ባለሙያ ነው። በአንድ ውሱን ሙያ መሰልጠኑ ለሃገር መሪነት ብቁ አያደርገውም። ፖለቲካም ሙያ ነው።”

    Shame on you Tesfaye.You are very narrow minded.Try to read about Haile’s biography. How about Meles in 1991?
    Leadership is inborn. Your write simply from your mind.Try to relate to other world views or world thinkers. Do not consider your ideas as final.Try to look also your views in others.

    1. why do you get mad about his marriage?is there something wrong Makada?
      Do you know Teddy closely? I wonder how his marriage issue is related to your kind of politics.I am assuming that you might have some failed motive.

  46. If he read what he wrote,would be interesting but if they write it for him it would be dirty game.
    at least you can listen from him “we Ethiopian” not like Meles “hezebu…” any way we wish him
    all the best .One day may be he provide Ethiopia in good mood.At least we will never and ever
    listen bad words of Meles.Gone forever.

  47. what are you talking about? nothing is expected for ethiopian people from you. i thought nobody read you comment.

  48. I fully agree with Makda, she doesn’t seem angry to me she full aprove his right to marry and love whomever he want, but to bring an eritrean to Ethiopia while Ethiopians are fighting against this people conspiracy in the past. and lets not forget UN stated they were harboring terorism during AU meeting to plant a bomb.

    I guess I’ll leave it at that. She seem to disagree him to bring her to Ethiopia.

    That’s how I read her message unlike some of you.
    Good luck in his marriage but we don’t want him in Ethiopia period get the hell out you dirty filthy guy. Don’t use Menlik or Balchas name some of us related to them…They were real men unlike stupid whatever his name was.

  49. I can not get why these ladies are angry about Tedy’s marriage.The women he get married lives in Addis and her families are there too as to my information.So what do these women want him to do?

  50. Woy Gize Tigre Rasachne Lay Wotta,

    We need a big “Egzio Mahrene Kiristos” I’m not kidding did the guy said her family live in Ethiopia. Of course We Ethiopians not allowed to live in Ethiopia, some terra eritrean can kill us and come and live in our country, while the real Ethiopians are mariginalize.
    Time will tell as Bob Marly said it. Either the tigres adn eritreans will leave or us. I thought they got their independence they hated Ethiopia, What I’m not getting is what are they doing their.
    Once one Eritrean business man told me and my family I want to start business in Ethiopia. My dad was surprised and asked him well now you have a country don’t you think you might want to do that in your country. Yea, but there is no enough business there. So he said, we just looked at each other and said um…you right.
    So now we got it, eritra is private but Ethiopia is ours good luck!
    PS. When we have our own leader they’ll be recomanded to leave if not …wish them luck..

  51. Who said she is an eritrean or tigre for that matter? Amleset muchie is her name muchie is a name that is used only by Gonderes. As for me he can marry a chinese if he chooses to. Stop these backward tribalist mentality. Respect individual rights!!!!

  52. I know that some of the works of Afework GebreYesus and Hiruy WoldeSelassie are available on the market but I don’t know if the works of Yoftahe Negussie and Temsgen Gebre are.I wonder if some one could give me any information about these.Also,has the remarkable Sindu Gebru written any book?

  53. What I would recommand is as any patriotic Ethiopian. Stop believing change will come through a peaceful method. This people are psychopats, who been in the bush for a longest time and the only communication they realize is gun power. As such hit them where it hurts, organize both the muslim & christian youth and start attacking the woyane business and the woyanes that kill them and kill their family and robbing them in a broad day light.

    The only language a hyna can understand is you hit him where it hurts.

    That is the truth a thugh like sebhat nega, azeb mesfin, and bereket simon…and the rest woyane. Enough is enough, they will kill you any way you might as well die a hero death than being under this brutal murderers destroying our country.

  54. አይ፣ አያ ጥላሁን። ታሪክ የምትነግረን መስሎኝ። መደምደሚያው ላይ መርዝ ተፋ አደረግህ? ሥልጣን ይገባኛል ነው የምትል? ችሎታና ዘዴውን ካወቅህበት ታዲያ እቤት ድረስ የዘር ሐረግህን ወይም ሃይማኖትህን ተከትሎ ይቅረብልኝ ከምትል ለምን ተነስተህ አትሞክረውም?

  55. You mean Ayalew cared so much about Amhara region he refused to sign to give land to the Sudan. Isn’t that ridiculous. In the first place the border issue between Sudan and Ethiopia is handled by the federal government not by region administrators so Ato Ayalew has no say in that. In the second place even if he did have say in the matter these hodams have no consciounce to stand for anything. All they are interested in is eating and drinikng. SO do not make them what they are not. Anyone who can say what you claim to have Ato Ayalew said will not join EPRDF in the first place.

  56. About the issue Land provission ….

    As maintiooned above the issue is too old, what is the important now, for critisism, or to claim the Land?

    What ever the case the two actor were doing in such a way what the Amharic scripts declaier. About the committment, devotion, inefficiency and to all related matter, almost Ato Ayalew and Ato Demeke are the same. They were/are not worried about Amhara and Amhara region. The two leaders were not having good complementarity, rather they were kept each others. Besides, Ato Demeke was/is more submissive than Ato Ayalew. And as that time we all know as Ato Demeke was on the side of Ato Bereket. For your Witness as they did it Ato Demeke gave a chance to went USA. That trip was after the accomplishment of this mission.

    What Ato Ayalew did, of course nothing. Because,that is why he is there still. If he was doing something good with no doubt he would not be there. Aba Dula the Oromia ex presidant is a good example. Not alone in and to Amhara, Meles and his follower did not want such committed and devotion performance. That is why they pick Aba dula from Oromia. So, make clear the issue why you raise now and we are here (Gondar) and can provide you the right information.

    God bless Ethiopia and Ethiopian

  57. I’m happy on his accomplishment which will make all of us proud. It’s not achieved definitelywithout a hard work. which encourages to work hard young Ethiopians that’ll look up to him both in N. American and Ethiopia. I have never seen his work before but I looked him up after reading on your blog. I just hope Mr. Sam in the future will have black women portraite in a decent dance I found it detestable and unlike Ethiopian tradition to see women half naked and dancing in a very degrading manner. That’s my opinion I’m not to blamish or criticisehim in bad way but to give a constructive criticism. I hope, Mr. Sam understands the logic behind my thought and for the survival of our good culture. it’s one thing to entertain, but it’s another to be honerable musician who care about the impressionable kidds. Always it’s to all of us benefit the message we put out side carry a responsible message. If we say I’m just an entertainer and leave the responsibility on the parents uh..
    When I see why black music has to have something that portray women in undignified manner. Specially in rap music.

    I hope he won’t take it wrong way I just hope he want his sisters to be respected not others to think that’s the image of black women.

    Good Luck on your future!
    I wish you the best of luck!

  58. There is something fishy here. How on earth a former student of Hailemariam, besides his study, knows every thing in such remarkable detail about Ato Hailemaria and his work, his tricky relationship with his collegues and students, secret administrative areas of work which by no means are open to other staff members let alone students?

    I had been a student at Addis Ababa University. I never knew any thing about the private life and administrative works of my lectureres or the University’s officials – nothing about what they were doing and how they were doing at all let alone in such detail.

    One doesn’t need to have Solomon’s wisdom to understand that this is nothing more than the beginning of a campaign to defame the new Prime Minster. It has back fired this time, though as it is clearly an orchestrated but futile attempt to misinform and mislead the public who is atleast giving time and the benefit of the doubt for HD.

    The whole article talks more about the motive of the authors than Hailemariam’s personality.

    It is blindingly obvious that this article seems to have originated from dark forces who are fiercely opposed to the appointement of HD as PM.

    I will not lend them my ears let alone my heart but I would be surprised if they stopped here.

  59. Dear onerable Artist Tedi and your lover, Congratualtion for the success of your dream. And also I wish you will have happy and prosperous life. Good wedding.

  60. Can you label and give credit to the two pictures at the top? Bad practice in Ethiopian media to just put photos without a label and credit!!!

  61. በቴዲ አፍሮ ሰርግ ላይ ጎሳዬ ተስፋዬ ባይገርምሽ ገና እወድሻለሁ በሚለው የቴዲ አፍሮ ዘፈን ሰርፕራይዝ አደረገው።

    No Amharic equivalent for ‘surprise’?

  62. Ethiopians becarefull!!!! this is the last and desperate action of the devil to illude you. The bottomless pit to swallow Woyanne (the devil) is already open and it already had swallowed its head. This is their last effort before their tail goes in there and they disappear forever.

  63. hagerachehun bekinenet ena betamagnet eski ageligelu lenanite hiwo sayihon lemitemerut serawit ena hizb hiwot kidemia setu yane hulum neger yetekana yihonal achenafim tehonalachehu jemirut metifowu yiwegedal mengedum kena yihonal semachehum kemekabir belay kef yilal bergit kelal demo aydelem gin zare nege satelu jemirut ena milionochin aselefu selam.

  64. Did you guys think that nobody will find out about the document as the link you provided is forwarded to a youtube video when you click it. Here is the text from the original document:

    Wikiliki: Meles tries to influence US policy change

    Prime Minister Meles Zenawi called in Ambassador February 25 to discuss Ethiopia’s perception that the U.S. has taken a tougher policy shift towards Ethiopia, stressing human rights concerns over shared objectives on regional stability, counterterrorism and development. The meeting reinforced Foreign Minister Seyoum’s February 20 demarche to the Ambassador (reftel), protesting Congress’s listing of Ethiopia among 20 countries, including Sudan, Zimbabwe and Iran, requiring congressional notification before development and other types of assistance can be disbursed. The Prime Minister said Ethiopia wants predictability in the bilateral relationship and clarity on where Ethiopia stands with the U.S. The Prime Minister went so far as to say that the head of the military, General Samora, and Intelligence Service chief, Getachew Assefa — two hawkish, yet significantly influential, ruling party members on foreign policy — lack the confidence that the U.S. shares Ethiopia’s security concerns.

  65. The fake first ladies refusal which is unheard of any where in this world to refuse to move out and transfer the incumbent to take the residens. Opening ethnic based bank from stolen money, killing innocent residence, selling land, giving ministrial position and company position to uneducated people just to build ethnic based….kicking out of their land the Gambelas, Oromos,Ogadeny….etc. How many more atrocity shall we count that has been committed by the tigray self elected regime. Now, our people fleeing from all this dying in arab countries, it’s unheard of in our culture this magnitude but what I am not understanding is why people are not rising up and oust the oppressive regime and say never again in Ethiopia we’ll have undemocratic self posessed power hungry ethnicentric group. What’s also laughable is half of the regime is either half eritrean or full blood eritrean, you can imagine whose side they stand.

    I say lets stand up and revolte and kick out this regime and protect our country and save our people from falling in foreign hand in a miserable situation.

    we die if we don’t do anything and lose our country and suffer from starvation while our land is sold to be pocketed on tigrays personal bank foreigners are taking advantage of our bad situation to their benefit in a hurry. Laughing at us while we can’t feed millions of Ethiopians we sell our land to arabs how mind blowing is that. Can anyone in western country will believe how ignorant and irresponsible this regime is.

    I say lets rise and fight and fight…Hard once for all to establish a true democracy to elect someone who believe in Ethiopian people, to build a wise and a strong self sufficient society who’s innovative and take pride on it self from exoduse, to see a return to it’s beloved land and work hard hand in had with its people and build a strong nation that’s God fearing and keep the old ancient beautiful tradition.

    God help us to clean our country from tigres mental disease ethnocentric poisoneous group.

    In Gods Name Amen!

  66. hi tesfay bemegemereya i want say thank you selemttefacewe hulu lelawe ahune erasu betafekw yasayekwe yemeqebabele sera betame yegeremale teleqe temeheret newe banetena abe tokcawe bezou temerenale beretu ayzoachhu besaqe eyafnedachu bezu qoume negere astemerachunale

  67. Dear Staff Reporter,

    I totally agree with your assessment about Abraha Belai (the owner & editor of Ethiomedia). I wonder if Abraha Belai knows the actual meaning of “Analysis” in the context of a news piece. If he wanted to report that the new Prime Minister’s wife is Eritrean, he was supposed to take his time to gather evidence and report his finding based on the evidence. He is either too lazy to do an honest reporting job or he simply wants to score points against the Eritreans whom he obviously dislikes a lot.

    Honestly speaking, even if the new Prime Minister’s wife has an Eritrean blood, what is the fuss about it. As long as Roman Tesfaye belives that she is Ethiopian and acts accordingly, who is Abraha Belai or for that matter anyone to take that away from her? Please grow up and spend your time and energy on something positive to your country or the society you live in.

    I have known this Abraha Belai guy back in the early 1990s when he was the editor of Ethiopian Heralds. I don’t think he had any problem with the core believes of the TPLF back then and he was part of the propaganda machine of the TPLF up until he fell out of favor (I guess with some TPLF big wigs with Eritrean blood) and left the country. All I can say about his so called “Analysis” is that it is simply laughable and he needs to leave the learned wife of the new PM alone. We have to also leave the grieving wife and children of the former PM alone so that they can go about their life.

  68. Why YOu said Addis zemen? woyane Zemen woyane’s news paper even not deserving it old zemen. what can they do all of Ethiopians become their chair and they are enjoying by our poverty, freedom.

  69. ye ethiopia hizeb genna bizu guud yayalinna metagessu yeteshal yimeretal. ye woyane gud bizu selehon yemiasfelgew metebaber bich new

  70. Tesfaye what are you talking? Are you part of his invisible cabinet? How do you know that he is not involved? If he is not who? What is your angle? Are you still operating as TPLF cadre? You have the right to comment but this is disturbing.

  71. tesfaye mecime yanete neger bemasetewale selehone hulegezi teqibayenete alewe hulume negere bemasetwale eneg be emotion mehon ylebetme menem behon yhi sewe gitan yaweqale lilawo tesfaye 3 tegawo medef metihafeh mech newe ymimetawo qoyei eko thank you

  72. we now every thing those are not ethiopian as if they put as ethiopian them self and wrote all negative about him /teddy afro/,so when some body left massaeg trash ,negative belive me they are not ethopans

  73. Good bel Gonder newa negeru hulu egzeabeher ethiopian endayt adergo endemetebekat eyasaye newna lezehem cheger yelem wendem teisfaye enmesegenalen mesterachewn selmetaweta.

  74. አንዳንዴ እኛ እትዮጵያኖች አንድ ሰው የሚለውን ውይም የሚናገረውን ከመተንተንና ለምን እንዲህ ሊል ቻለ፤ ምንስ አይቶ ነው፣ ምንስ ሊያስተምረን ነው እንዲህ ያለው ብለን ከማመዛዘን ይልቅ ቁጣና ስድብ ማውረድ ልማዳችን ነው። በ እኔ አስተያየት ይሄ ጠባያችን ነው እድሜ ልካችንን በአምባ ገነን ንጉሶችና ስልጣን በጨበጠ ውርጋጥ ስንገዛ የኖርነው። ምን ቀን አብረን አድመን እድማችንን እስከ መጨረሻው አድርሰን መንግስት የገለበጥነው። እኔ የማውቀው አብረን አድመን ግብ ልናደርስ ጥቂት ሰዓት ሲቀረን ከውስጣችን አንዱ ሸጦን ሁላችንንም እዳ ያገባናል። አቦይ ሰብሃት እውነቱ ነው፤ እኛ ኢትዮጵያኖች ዲሞክራሲ ምን ማለት መሆኑን ካወቅን በጣም ቆይተናል፤ ዲሞክራሲ ያለበትም አገር ብዙወቻችን ተምረናል፡ ዲሞክራሲያዊ የሆነ ሃገርም እንደሚበለጽግ እናውቃለን፤ ግን ዲሞክራሲን ለማግኘት ምንና ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብን የምናውቅ አይመስለኝም። እኛ እትዮጵያኖች የምናውቀው ሰው ክበላያችን ክሚሆን ሌላ የማናውቀው አንቀጥቅጦ እንዲገዛንና እንዲያላግጥብን እንወዳለን። አቦይ ስብሃትም ይሄን ጠባያችንን አውቆ ነው የሚሰድበን፤ በጃነሆይ ጊዜ ስንት ግልበጣ ነው የከሸፈው፡
    መንግስቱ ሲገዛን ማነው አንገዛም በቃን ብሎ አብሮ ተመካክሮ ሊገለብጥ የሞከረ። የገዛ ጓደኞቻችን አየር ሃይሎችና አንዳንድ የጦር ሃይል መኮንኖች አብረው ተመካክረው ለሃገር ይጠቅማል የመንግስቱ አካሄድ አገሪቱን በደለ፤ ያለ አቅሙ ክ አሜሪካ ጋር ግብ ግብ ይዞ ተው ቢባል አልሰማም አለ ብለው ተማምለው ሳለ የገዛ ጓደኛቸው አብሮ ያደመ ሄዶ ሽጦ አስጨረሳቸው። ያ ኩዴታ ቢሳካ ኖሮ አሜሪካ ወደ እነ መሰለ ዞሮ በሽፍታ ዉርጋጥ አያስገዛንም ነበር። እንድ ሰብሃት ያለ የ አረቂ ቤት ሰካራም አይገዛንም ነበር። 21 ዓመት ሙሉ በአንድ ዉርጋጥ ስንገዛ ማነው በቃን አንገዛም ብለን በረሃ የገባን። ለመሆኑስ አሁን ያለው መንግስት ነገ ጥሎ ቢሄድ የትኛው ፓርቲ ነው የሚተካቸው። አለ የሚባለው ፓርት እርስበርሱ ተበላልቶ በዱላ እንደሚፈረካከስ አልጠራጠርም፤ ብታምኑም ባታምኑም ኢትዮጵያኖች እርስ በራሳችን እንኳ አንተማመን፡
    እርስ በርሱ የማይተማመንና የማይከባበር ህዝብ ዘላለም በባእድ ሲተዳድረ ይኖራል።

  75. Woyane is putting cameras inside Hailemariam’s house under the pretext of renovation these crook TPLF spies use this opportunity to wire Hailemariam house and watch and listen everything he says and eventually they will use everything they record against him or they will threaten to black mail him. Mr Hailemarim please inspect the house before you move to this house trapped with video and audio recording materials

  76. Dear Maleda Times team, I follow your website from time to time and get timely, entertaining and important information.
    I am pleased to read every article which contributes something to the struggle for the freedom of ethiopian people against the woyanne regime.
    This time, the article titled “Teqlai ministeru…” from “Minilik Salsawi” was really boring, non-informative and untimely. I do not want to discourage the Mr. “Minilik Salsawi” from writing other articles, but rather would like to give my opinion about the article so that you as an editor may pick better articles and also the writer may improve the massage and the style which is better for the ethiopian people.

  77. wou net nwou abe tokcawoun tmslalh gen manenem mesel koume negrou yetafekwou negre newou betam eyasaqi yemiyastemre qume negre gna bezou entibeqalne thank you meliake

  78. እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ትንታኔና ግንዛቤ ነው፡ መንግስት’ተሞክሮ’እያለ ኢኮኖሚን በካድሬ ከሚያሰራ በውጭው ዓለም እውቀት እና ልምድ ያላቸውን በኢኮኖሚው ዘርፍ ካላሳተፈ ችግር ይገጥመናል። ስለአንዲት ኢትዮጵያችን ዕድገት እና ብልፅግና ስለሕዝባችን የተሻለ ኑሮ ከፐርሰንት ወይም ከአሀዝ ድርደራ ባለፈ በተግባር ሰምቶት ብቻ ሳይሆን ኖሮበት እንዲያልፍ መልካሙን ሁሉ እንመኛለን።አይ ኤም ኤፍ ወይንም የዓለም ባንክ ሲያሞግስ፤ሲያበድር፣ ወይንም ብድር ሲሰርዝ እያደነቁ የተሳሳተ መረጃ በመስጠት ማጭበርበር ስለዕድገት በቂ መረጃ ሲጠየቅ የጠላት ወሬ,ሟርት,ዕድገታችን የማይዋጥላቸው ተላላኪዎች,እያሉ መቀሳፈት እራስን ከማሰገመት ሀገርን ከማሳፈር ህዝብን ከመናቅ ሌላ የወንበዴ ባህሪ ተብሎ ያስፈርጃል!! “ኢትዮጵያ አፍሪካ ፓወር ሀውስ ሆናለች” የሚሉትን ቧልት እናንተም ሰምታችሗል á‹°/ር ዘለዓም ተክሉ

  79. Is it 20 Million or, like you said, 20,000,000 Million – there is a world of difference between the two – check and correct please.

  80. ay weyane manesat masqemet new seraw ! min yidereg
    ageritu befashishetawi ye aparthied agezaz 21 amet
    alefat, betigre yebelayinet ageritun eyezerefu new.
    Tewuledum feri ena sedeten yemiwed telekasha hone,
    bebaher lay eyeteneteletel ye asa erat mehonen mertowal, yetewared tewuled.God Pless Ethiopia.

    1. @yagersew,
      If you got the motive then show us and confront weyane and you will be called a hero, as of Tunisian Boaziz who sets himself to fire and start public gathering and turmoil which end up changing the country’s ruling party and become prototype to the whole arab spring. If you do this you will be remembered for centuries in the minds of ethiopian people otherwise shut your fccking mouth.

  81. Dr.Matebe this poem is not from you I know you.Where are you coming
    you are comiming from Arebegnch Ginbar yes as you told us but that is not true .You have a big family in Norway I know.Any way you better stop asking telefon number from all Ethiopia women.Nex time I will writ about your story.

  82. We are told that the person who was carrying the money to the bank was an Indian but they arrested an Ethiopian. It is really funny but saddening. They just look alike, is that what it is ? Or was there something else ? I think the good Indian was playing a havoc. The money might surface in Bangalore.

  83. What is this? If it is a book review give credit to the book author and mention the title etc details so we can find the book and compare the comments.

  84. Alemayehu Fantaw W/Mariam of Alamata – who accepts is in Tigray – is a proper woyane, if don’t know already, just ask him. He is an arrogant pseduo-intellectual, Meles admirer. Need I say more?

  85. M/r Baile realy this is good tanjeble news abouT prisons and prisoners in Ethiopia,now adays many innocent Ethiopian poletical prisoners have got unbilivable punshiment by weyane junta in bad prison house more than what Nazi was done in his prisoners on his time.We can stope together this new Nazi from Ethiopia and prisoners!

  86. ya mr Baile-now a days Ethiopian prison conditions is the worst of all,woyanne doing and will do like hittler .so what we will do , we have to unite and confront TPLF/EPRDF regime

  87. yes,Mr.Baile the Ethiopia government threatening the prisoners espically life threatening prison conditions,the government arrest oppositions political figures,activists, journalists and bloggers under the anti terrorism proclamations.we have to reveal the woyanne`s secrete like you thanks for your article

  88. MrBaile -really your recommendation is an acceptable according to the international law ,but TPLF /EPRDF regime could not respect the international law . woyanne violate the international law.At least the independent people and international organizations must be monitor and supervise the prisoners.and also communicate with their families
    thank you

  89. As human,this person if they deport him,and no families in Ethiopia all his families are here in USA, do you think he alive? for example take out the fish from the ocean to the land do think alive?

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